
invite vt.1.招待;邀請。2.請求,征求。3.引起,吸引。短...


Those who do nothing are inviting shame as well as violence . 一無所為的人只能蒙受羞辱,招致暴亂。

Then there's mrs. green-she must be invited to the wedding . 還有格林太太--必須邀請她來參加婚禮。

Let us invite ted -- he knows how to bring a party to life . 我們邀請特德吧有他到會就熱鬧了。

Did you get an invite ? 你接到邀請了嗎?

She plans to invite a number of journalists to the ceremony . 她打算邀請一些新聞記者參加開幕式。

I will invite you to it . 我邀請你參加。

When writing about aerosol one is continually invited to digress . 在描述氣溶膠時人們經常離題。

I have invited the smiths round for drinks next friday . 我已邀請史密斯一家下周五來家中小酌。

Julia invited a man from new york, not very exciting . 朱麗雅從紐約請來一位毫無出奇之處的人。

Eleanor had countered by inviting her two secretaries . 埃莉諾不甘示弱,邀請了她的兩名秘書。

The filth here deters all but the invited guest . 這里污穢不堪,除非有事,外人是裹足不前的。

I 've invited comrade wang . 我已約了王同志。

If he thinks he can invite me out, he is all wet . 假如他以為可以邀我外出,他就大錯特錯了。

The audiences are now invited to put questions to the speaker . 現在請聽眾向講演者提問題。

We invited her to dinner but she did not even bother to turn up . 我們請她吃飯她都不露面。

Unpreparedness invites disaster . 無備必定吃虧。

Your patronage is cordially invited . 無任歡迎。

The matter invites our consideration of every possible angle . 這件事需要我們通盤考慮。

Ms. smith , thank you very much for inviting us to tea . 史密斯小姐,謝謝你請我們喝茶。