
invitational adj.邀請的,應邀參加的。 an invitation...


With respect to special projects for which neither public bidding nor invitational bidding is appropriate , application shall be made to the department in charge of construction at county or higher level or to a bid institution authorized thereby to conduct bid negotiation upon approval 對不宜公開招標或邀請招標的特殊工程,應報縣級以上地方人民衙門建設行政主管部門或其授權的招標投標辦事機構,經批準后可以議標。

Article 17 a tenderer who adopts the invitational tender method shall issue invitations for submission of bids to three or more specified legal persons or other specified organizations capable of undertaking the project subject to tender and having a good reputation and creditworthiness 第十七條招標人采用邀請招標方式的,應當向三個以上具備承擔招標項目的能力、資信良好的特定的法人或者其他組織發出投標邀請書。

Gdccp and provincial retired cadres center had jointly held the 10th “ guangdong chinese cultural cup “ of billiards invitational competition from 3rd december to 8th december , 2006 at the retired cadres center of huizhou and the zunjue billiards club of huizhou 由我會與省老干活動中心聯合主辦的第十屆全省老干部“廣東中華文化杯”臺球邀請賽于2006年12月3 ? 8日在惠州市老干部活動中心及惠州市尊爵臺球俱樂部舉行。

Seoul , south korea ? may 19 , 2007 ? blizzard entertainment ? today unveiled starcraft ? ii , the sequel to its award - winning real - time strategy game starcraft , at the 2007 blizzard worldwide invitational event in seoul , south korea 暴雪娛樂在07年5月19日韓國首爾的2007世界邀請賽上公布了倍受關注的續作? ?暴雪娛樂今天在首爾舉行的2007暴雪世界邀請賽上揭開了星際爭霸2的面紗,這是經典即時戰略游戲星際爭霸的續作。

1990 oil painting spring scenery was selected to attend the 3rd asian - europe art biennial exhibition ( turkey ) . oil painting silent night attended the 1st china landscape painting invitational exhibition ( china history museum ) 1990年油畫《春光》入選“第三屆亞歐藝術雙年展” (土耳其) 。油畫《靜靜的夜》參加“中國首屆風景畫邀請展” (中國歷史博物館) 。

In 2004 , he was invited to be the juror of china gold - bell prize on music national piano competition , the 2nd national children and youth piano competition , and national professional academy piano invitational tournament 2004年應邀擔任了“中國音樂金鐘獎”全國鋼琴比賽、第二屆全國青少年鋼琴比賽、全國藝術職業院校鋼琴教學邀請賽的評審委員。

A hawaiian surfer dives for safety after catching a solid 12 - foot wave that nearly closed out on his head in the bear hawaiian pro longboard invitational on the north shore of oahu , hawaii 于夏威夷歐胡島北岸舉辦的貝爾夏威夷職業長型沖浪板邀請賽中,一名夏威夷選手沖上一個足足有十二英尺高、幾乎把他淹沒的浪頭后安全躍入水中。

Hawaiian surfer dives for safety after catching a solid 12 - foot wave that nearly closed out on his head in the bear hawaiian pro longboard invitational on the north shore of oahu , hawaii 于夏威夷歐胡島北岸舉辦的貝爾夏威夷職業長型沖浪板邀請賽中,一名夏威夷選手沖上一個足足有十二英尺高、幾乎把他淹沒的浪頭后安全躍入水中。

On june 22nd over 120 foreign affairs officials , entrepreneurs attended bn charity golf invitational 2006 . the event was held by the china youth development foundation and bn vocational school 2006年6月22日, 120名來自外交界和企業界的高爾夫愛好者參加了我校與中國青少年發展基金會等單位聯合舉辦的百年愛心高爾夫募捐賽。

Here is the washington post ' s mensa invitational which once again asked readers to take any word from the dictionary , alter it by adding , subtracting , or changing one letter , and supply a new definition 這是華盛頓郵報的“曼薩邀請賽” ,它再次邀請讀者們從字典里任選一字,增減或改變一個字母,并賦予它新的定義。

Regular sport competitions like ive athletic meet , inter - campus ball games competitions and invitational sport functions are organised to promote the exchange of experience in sports and competitions 各分校定期舉辦聯校運動會,球類聯賽及各項邀請賽,給予同學分享比賽經驗及交流運動心得的機會。

“ hk summer invitational athletic meet “ will be renamed as “ hong kong inter - city athletics challenge “ . the event will be held at siu sai wan sports ground on 9 & 10 july 2005 香港夏季田徑邀請賽將易名位香港城市田徑挑戰賽。而香港城市田徑挑戰賽將于本年7月9及10日假小西灣運動場舉行。

On the same day last year and also in this beautiful haihe river bond park we successfully held the “ tanggu cup ” international college students dragon boat invitational tournament 去年的今天也是在這美麗的海河外灘公園,我們成功地舉辦了“塘沽杯”國際大學生龍舟邀請賽。

Here is to confirmed joining the 7th “ zhang lianwei ” cup international junior golf invitational at shenzhen noble merchant golf club at 2007 - 08 - 13 to 08 - 16 我有興趣參加于2007年8月13日至16日在深圳名商高爾夫球會舉辦的第七屆“張連偉”杯國際青少年高爾夫球邀請賽。

Regularly through - out the playing season ( march ? november ) the club hosts polo tournaments , culminating in september with the international invitational championship 每年的三月至十一月份會所都會定期舉辦國際馬球的有關賽事,在九月份舉辦國際馬球冠軍杯邀請賽。

It was at the beginning of the year that i won three consecutive contests - the ironman pro invitational , the arnold schwarzenegger classic and the san francisco pro invitational 在今年年初,我贏得了三個大滿貫,鐵人邀請賽,阿諾德經典賽和三番市邀請賽。

An invitational tender means that a tenderer , in the form of invitation for submission of bid , invites specified legal persons or other specified organizations to submit their bids 邀請招標,是指招標人以投標邀請書的方式邀請特定的法人或者其他組織投標。

Sonya thomas , 37 , who weighs just 105 pounds 47 . 5 kg , beat seven men in the annual thanksgiving invitational : a race to eat a 10 - pound 4 . 5 - kg turkey 參賽者將比賽誰在最短的時間里吃掉一只9斤重的大火雞。現年37歲的桑婭托馬斯體重僅為47 . 5公斤。

The opening ceremony for 2004 juchuan cup china tianjin tanggu international college student dragon boat invitational tournament and haihe tourism festival now commence 2004巨川杯中國天津塘沽國際大學生龍舟邀請賽暨海河旅游節開幕式現在開始。