
invincibility n.無敵。


I must own that i dont understand it ; perhaps there are diplomatic subtleties in it that are beyond my feeble intellect ; but i cant make it out . mack loses a whole army , archduke ferdinand and archduke karl give no sign of life and make one blunder after another ; kutuzov alone gains at last a decisive victory , breaks the prestige of invincibility of the french , and the minister of war does not even care to learn the details ! for that very reason , my dear boy , dont you see 博爾孔斯基說道, “我向您承認,我也許并不明白,這里頭會有什么超出我這貧乏智慧的外交上的微妙之處,但是我也弄不明白,馬克喪失了全軍人馬,費迪南大公和卡爾大公奄奄待斃,毫無生氣,而且接一連二地做出錯事,只有庫圖佐夫終于贏得了真正的勝利,粉碎了法國人的chavme ,而軍政大臣甚至不想知道詳細的戰況哩! ”

Ever since 1905 , when the first officially sanctioned new zealand touring team swept aside all opposition on a tour of britain , the fearsome all blacks have retained an aura of invincibility that has rarely been overcome 自從1905年第一支正式批準的新西蘭代表隊遠征英倫巡回比賽,橫掃所有對手,大獲全勝以來,這支令人生畏的“全黑隊”就保持了幾乎不可戰勝的氣勢。

Ryo has a support gear on , like from aof2 . his zanretsuken has a guard point , and his uppercut is 98 style with long invincibility 坂崎良的身上有了護具,像龍虎之拳2一樣。暫烈拳有格檔效果,升龍像98一樣有長時間無敵。

But he must still prove himself . “ politically , he has a teflon - like invincibility , which he has yet to use , ” farber adds 法伯補充道:走政治這條路,他就和鐵弗龍一樣堅不可摧,而這也是他必備的工具。

When you feel sad or hurt , the best remedy is to embark on a journey of learning as the latter can guarantee your invincibility 當你感到悲哀痛苦時,最好是去學些什么東西。學習會使你永遠立于不敗之地。

The popular belief in the invincibility of man is constantly rebuked by revaluations of man ' s fallibility 認為人類無敵的普遍看法經常遭到重新評價人類易犯錯誤的特點的非難。

The curse of invincibility 不死的詛咒

. . . the curse of invincibility 不死的詛咒

Surely the invincibility shown last season will not stand for long 皮雷上賽季有著優異的表現,是否能保持呢。

Has been for the creation of the order of invincibility 來打造一直無敵的騎士團。

The myth of his and nazi invincibility had been completely destroyed . 過去他本人之神奇傳說,以及納粹之不敗言論,至此乃完全破滅。