
hysteric adj.1.癔病的;歇斯底里的。2.病態感情[興奮]式的...


Opening the window , i walked in upon them ; liberated celine from my protection ; gave her notice to vacate her hotel ; offered her a purse for immediate exigencies ; disregarded screams , hysterics , prayers , protestations , convulsions ; made an appointment with the vicomte for a meeting at the bois de boulogne . next morning i had the pleasure of encountering him ; left a bullet in one of his poor etiolated arms , feeble as the wing of a chicken in the pip , and then thought i had done with the whole crew . but unluckily the varens , six months before , had given me this filette adele , who , she affirmed , was my daughter ; and perhaps she may be , though i see no proofs of such grim paternity written in her countenance : pilot is more like me than she 我打開落地窗,朝他們走去,解除了對塞莉納的保護,通知她騰出房子,給了她一筆錢以備眼前急用,不去理睬她的大哭小叫歇斯底里懇求抗議和痙攣,跟那位子爵約定在布洛尼樹林決斗的時間,第二天早晨,我有幸與他相遇,在他一條如同瘟雞翅膀那么弱不禁風的可憐的胳膊上,留下了一顆子彈,隨后自認為我已了結同這伙人的關系,不幸的是,這位瓦倫在六個月之前給我留下了這個fillette阿黛勒,并咬定她是我女兒。

In this year ' s offering of “ major english novels , “ we will read of plagues , wars , hysterics , monsters and more in novels by authors including william godwin , maria edgeworth , jane austen , mary shelley , and walter scott 在今年重要的英文小說課程中,我們會讀到有關瘟疫、戰爭、狂暴的情緒和怪物等,作家則包括威廉?戈德溫、瑪麗亞?埃奇沃斯、珍?奧斯汀、瑪麗?雪萊和華特?司各特。

That , in the fabric of knowledge , there should be any connection whatever between a woman with hysterics and a schooner carrying a weather - helm or heaving to in a gale , would have struck him as ridiculous and impossible 若是說在知識的網絡中,一個歇斯底里的婦女跟在颶風中順風使航或逆風行駛的船有什么聯系的話,他準會覺得荒唐可笑,認為絕無可能。

Hundreds chanted hymns in the northern city of lucknow and the eastern city of kolkata and went into hysterics when the milk held against the idols disappeared . “ it is amazing , lord ganesha drank milk from my hands 當看見喂給神像的牛奶消失時,印度北部勒克瑙城和西部科爾卡塔城的數百名信奉者唱起了圣歌甚至歇斯底里地發狂。

On the basis of improving conventional switch table of direct torque control system , a two - hysterics control switch table is established in the strategy in order to decrease torque ripple 該方法在對傳統直接轉矩控制的開關控制表進行改進的基礎上,建立了新型雙層滯環控制的開關控制表,使感應電動機的轉矩脈動達到最小。

Just then a piercing cry , ending in a sob , burst from the centre of the crowd , who encircled the lady who had before fainted , and who now fell into a violent fit of hysterics 正當那時曾經昏厥過一次的那個貴婦人發出一聲尖銳的喊叫,接著是一陣啜泣,那個貴婦人現在陷入一種劇烈的歇斯底里狀態了。

It has physical , emotional , and cognitive components , any one of which can send the others into hysterics . “ we tapped into the network through its motor end , “ he says 幽默成分既有身體方面的,也有情緒方面的,還有認知水平上的,這三者的任何一方面都可能把另外兩方面都激發成歇斯底里狀態。

Hundreds chanted hymns in the northern city of lucknow and the eastern city of kolkata and went into hysterics when the milk held against the idols disappeared 當看見喂給神像的牛奶消失時,印度北部勒克瑙城和西部科爾卡塔城的數百名信奉者唱起了圣歌甚至歇斯底里地發狂。

Hundreds chanted hymns in the northern city of lucknow and the eastern city of kolkata and went into hysterics when the milk held against the idols disappeared 喂給神像的牛奶消失之后,印度北部城市勒克瑙和東部城市加爾各答的數百名群眾唱起圣歌,陷入瘋狂狀態。

She could love , and hate , maybe have hysterics ; and she could certainly be jealous , as she was jealous now , uttering her last sobs in his arms 她可能愛,可能恨,說不定還可能歇斯底里她肯定可能護忌,她現在就在他的懷抱里最后抽泣著,妒忌著呢。

My mother was in hysterics , and though i endeavoured to give her every assistance in my power , i am afraid i did not do so much as i might have done 媽那種歇斯底里的毛病又發作了,我雖然盡了我的力量去勸慰她,恐怕還是不有夠周到的地方。

A tanzanian mother went into hysterics when she found her six month - old baby suckling dog ' s milk , a local daily reported thursday 坦桑尼亞一位年輕母親近日突然變得歇斯底里起來,原因是她發現自己只有6個月大的兒子竟然有吮吸狗奶的行為。

Tanzanian mother went into hysterics when she found her six month - old baby suckling dog ' s milk , a local daily reported thursday 坦桑尼亞一位年輕母親近日突然變得歇斯底里起來,原因是她發現自己只有6個月大的兒子竟然有吮吸狗奶的行為。

“ i was basically in the foetal position , basically in hysterics . . . and having severe anxiety and panic attacks , “ she said 她說: “我基本上處于胎兒的位置,有點歇斯底里,也伴有嚴重的焦慮和驚恐。 ”

Despite its size , the flock of fans was well - behaved - no screaming or other hysterics 盡管圍觀的隊伍越來越龐大,但大量的追星族是非常文明的,他們沒有出現尖叫或做出失控的舉動。

When she read the fetter , she went into hysterics and the family had to hit her in the face to make her stop 她讀了信就歇斯底里大發作,家里的人不得不打她的耳光使她清醒過來。

“ my girls were sitting here . we were in hysterics , we laughed so hard . 軍方在信中懇請她考慮加入這支“人數不多但卻令人驕傲”的部隊。

She went into hysterics 她歇斯底里大發作

We cannot remain a passive onlooker to the hysteric moves of the enemies 我們不能對敵人目中無人的行動坐視不理。