
hypotension n.【醫學】低血壓,血壓過低。 hypotensive ...


“ it can be hypothesized , “ they write , “ that , een in the absence of a recognized orthostatic hypotension , our findings may help patients and physicians to promptly identify symptoms and early signs of orthostatic intolerance and start treatment with pressor drugs , salt , and water 文章中寫到, “假如假設成立,可推想即使患者無直立性低血壓,上述檢查結果可幫助病人和醫生迅速辨別早期直立耐受不能的一些癥狀和信號,然后通過一些增壓藥物、食鹽和水治療,減輕直立耐受不能癥狀程度,如減少摔倒次數、增強自信心和生活質量等” 。

Ephedrine and phenylephrine can treat the hypotension , however an amplified vasoconstrictive response may be observed due to an alpha 2 agonist induced enhancement of baroreceptor reflexes ( 7 ) and potentiation of alpha 1 - adrenoceptor - mediated vasoconstriction 麻黃素和苯腎上腺素可治療低血壓,然而可以觀察到存在過度縮血管反應,因為- 2受體激動劑導致壓力感受器反射[ 7 ]和- 1腎上腺素受體介導的血管收縮作用增強[ 8 ] 。

Ephedrine and phenylephrine can treat the hypotension , howeer an amplified asoconstrictie response may be obsered due to an alpha 2 agonist induced enhancement of baroreceptor reflexes ( 7 ) and potentiation of alpha 1 - adrenoceptor - mediated asoconstriction 麻黃素和苯腎上腺素可治療低血壓,然而可以觀察到存在過度縮血管反應,因為- 2受體激動劑導致壓力感受器反射[ 7 ]和- 1腎上腺素受體介導的血管收縮作用增強[ 8 ] 。

Nitrites are used in treatment of coronary heart disease to dilate blood vessels . the side - effects are many , especially if the drug is used inappropriately , and include dizziness , nausea , vomiting , flushing of face and neck , palpitation and hypotension 它的副作用包括暈眩、作嘔、嘔吐、面部及頸部充血泛紅、心悸及低血壓,過量更可引致抑壓呼吸效果和變性血紅素貧血癥,損害血液帶氧的功能。

Destructions of the area of nucleus of solitary tract , which affects bradycardia and sometimes hypotension ; as well as the midbrain reticular formation , which does not show any cardiovascular responses , yielded much less significant effects 這些研究結果除證實了以前所發表有關旁中線網狀核對許多心臟血管系統的生理現象有抑制作用外,也顯示出此神經細胞核對多種活動及行為的抑制作用。

Arrhythmias ( 23 % ) ; hypotension ( 14 % ) ; hypertension , phlebitis ( 11 % ) ; cardiac failure ( 6 % ) ; cardiac arrest , enlarged heart , heart murmur , ischemia , mi , myocarditis , pericarditis , pulmonary hypertension , secondary cardiomyopathy , stroke ( 3 % ) 心臟血管:心律不整、低血壓、高血壓、靜脈炎、心臟雜音、心臟擴大、缺氧、心肌梗塞、心包膜炎、中風與心跳停止等。

New york ( reuters health ) jan 12 - een in the absence of orthostatic hypotension , patient with parkinson ' s disease ( pd ) may hae measurable impairment in ascular and cardiac autonomic control , clinicians from italy hae found 紐約(路透社健康衛生報) 1月12日- -意大利臨床醫生發現,即便帕金森病患者無直立性低血壓發生,其心血管自主神經功能仍有障礙。

Such ischemia most often results from hypotension ( shock ) from cardiac failure , from marked blood loss , or from loss of blood supply from mechanical obstruction ( as with the bowel incarcerated in a hernia or with volvulus or intussusception ) 局部缺血常見于由心衰、大量失血、血管受阻(見于腸疝、腸扭轉或腸套疊)所導致的低血壓(休克) 。

Atn resulting from toxins usually has diffuse tubular involvement , whereas atn resulting from ischemia ( as in profound hypotension from cardiac failure ) has patchy tubular involvement 由毒素引起的腎小管壞死通常彌散性累及腎小管,而由缺血(如心衰引起的嚴重低血壓)引起的腎小管壞死則成片狀受累。

Blockmans d , hemlrijck jv , aken hv . ketamine does not prevent hypotension caused by induction of anesthesia with propofol in elderly patients . anesthesia 1993 , 70 : 40 劉宗民,賀柏林,宋運琴,等.閾下劑量氯胺酮與異丙酚并用的臨床研究.中華麻醉學雜志1995 , 15 : 420 422

Howeer , all studies did report significantly higher rates of important side effects with ? blockers , including slow heart beat ( bradycardia ) and ery low blood pressure ( hypotension ) 然而,所有的研究都沒有報道?阻滯劑重要副作用的明顯增高率,包括心動過緩、低血壓。

Seoul virus , hantaan virus and is characterised by abrupt onset of fever , severe abdominal or lower back pain , varying degrees of haemorrhagic manifestations , hypotension and renal failure 徵狀包括突然發熱嚴重腹痛或腰背痛,不同程度的出血現象血壓低及腎衰竭。

An acute zoonotic disease caused by the new world hantaviruses and is characterised by fever , myalgias and gi symptoms followed by the abrupt onset of respiratory distress and hypotension 徵狀包括發熱肌肉痛及腸胃道癥狀,隨后會有突然的呼吸困難及血壓低。

Older age ( > 60 years ) is more highly associated with arrhythmias , orthostatic hypotension , medication side - effects , and situational ( e . g . , micturition ) syncope 老齡病人( 60歲)與心律不齊、直立性低血壓、藥物副作用和環境性(如排尿)暈厥關聯更大。

The cause of death was concluded to be severe hypotension , bradycardia and cardiac failure due to combined intoxication with verapamil , metoprolol and digoxin 死亡原因是維拉帕米、美多心安和地高辛聯合中毒引起的嚴重低血壓、心動過緩和心臟衰竭。

One disadvantage of regional anesthesia is the occasional failure to produce adequate anesthesia ; another is hypotension due to sympathetic blockade 區域麻醉的缺點之一是偶爾不能獲得滿意的麻醉,另外一個缺點是交感阻滯引起的低血壓。

Bedside monitors can be set to alarm for bradycardia or tachycardia , hypotension or hypertension , tachypnea , and / or oxygen desaturation 經過設置,床邊監測儀可以警示下列情況:心動過緩或過速,低或高血壓、呼吸急促和/或氧減飽和。

Correlation between partial co2 rebreathing technique and transesophageal doppler for cardiac output monitoring during controlled hypotension 二氧化碳部分重吸入法與食管超聲多普勒法用于控制性降壓期間心輸出量測定的相關研究

Precautions : although this drug has no side effect , the patients with hypotension , serious heart disease or renal insufficiency should be given cautiously 注意:該藥雖無毒副作用,但血壓低者,嚴重心臟病腎功能不全者慎用。