
hypochondriac adj.1. 憂郁癥的,癔想癥的,疑病癥的。2.【解剖學...


I think those day visions were not dark : there was a pleasurable illumination in your eye occasionally , a soft excitement in your aspect , which told of no bitter , bilious , hypochondriac brooding : your look revealed rather the sweet musings of youth when its spirit follows on willing wings the flight of hope up and on to an ideal heaven 我想白天的光線并不很暗,你的眼睛里時而映現出一種愉悅的光,面容里露出柔和的興奮,表明這不是一種痛苦暴躁疑病癥式的沉思。你的目光中透出一種青春的甜蜜思索,心甘情愿的翅膀載著青春的心靈,追逐著希望的蹤影,不斷登高,飛向理想的天國。

That s all we need , i d say . sixty francs a month . the whole place furnished in a manner that would take a hypochondriac s mind off his ailments 我想,這樣就什么都不缺了,六十法郎一個月,房間里的陳設即使一個生憂郁病的人看了也會高興起來的。

For hypochondriacs wearing tinted glasses , the glasses serve as a visual signal to others that the wearer ' s health is delicate 對于戴墨鏡的憂郁癥患者來說,眼鏡可以作為讓別人看來戴鏡者的健康不佳的視覺信號。

Forty - six patients with pain in hypochondriac region treated by modified xiaoyao decoction 逍遙散加味治療脅肋痛46例

Yeah . you live like a slob . you ' re a hypochondriac 對,你像個懶漢,像個疑病癥患者