
hypochondria n.【醫學】憂郁癥,癔想癥,疑病癥〔指病態的自擬患病〕。


Another study on children and adult hypochondria suggests that the melatonin levels of psychiatric patients are lower than those of healthy people . the origin of melatonin melatonin exists in small quantities in many plant species , including oats , sweet corn , rice , ginger , tomatoes , bananas and barley 褪黑激素普遍存于地球上的各種生物體內,食物當中含量較多的有燕麥甜玉米米姜蕃茄香蕉大麥等,但是它們的含量的百分比均不高。

On examination the main physical sign is tenderness in the epigastrium or right hypochondria , but between attacks this may be absent 檢查時,患者主要的體征為;上腹部和右季肋部有壓痛,但在緩解期可無上述體征表現。

Doctors in britain have long suspected that patients who wear tinted eyeglasses are abnormally prone to depression and hypochondria 譯文:長時間以來,英國的醫生認為戴墨鏡的病人更易于消沉并患上憂郁癥。

Differentiation of symptom - complex and medication experience in treating carbuncle of the hypochondrium due to liver ailment 肝病脅痛的辨證思路與用藥經驗

I even suffered from hypochondria 我甚至有些憂郁

This is hypochondria , jane “這是一種多疑癥,簡。