
hyperinflation n.過度膨脹。


Manual hyperinflation helps alveolar recruitment , which results in secretion clearance , ventilation improvement , lung collapse prevention , lung collapse re - inflation , dynamic compliance improvement , artery oxygenation improvement and work of breathing reduction according to certain clinical reports from foreign sources 手動式高度充氣擴肺術可以有效幫助患者肺泡回復,呈現痰液清除、通氣量改善、肺塌陷的部份擴張、順應性改善、動脈氧合增加和呼吸減少。

Manual hyperinflation is a medical practice intended to restore pulmonary vesicles by applying time constants and the principle of inspiration terms 摘要手動式高度充氣擴肺術是運用時間常量及吸氣時間原理令肺泡回復。

The fear of sudden natural disaster caused hyperinflation to occur in certain food markets because of panic buying by the public 由于擔心自然災害會突然降臨,公眾瘋狂搶購,導致了一些食品市場的高通脹。

This article introduces the manual hyperinflation technique 本文介紹手動式高度充氣擴肺術。

What were the consequences of the german hyperinflation 德國過度通膨的結果