
hygienist n.衛生學家。


This instrument keeps constant temperature by circling air both . it use computer to control temperature and oscillation frequency , led digital display , it has stable performance , and its quality is reliable , its appearance is beautiful and digniful . it can be operated conveniently . it is the suitable instrument uhcih is used on researching and production by the trades of bioengineering . medicine . hygienist and so on 該振蕩培養箱是利用旋轉空氣浴進行恒溫的振蕩器,溫度和振蕩頻率均采用電腦控制,用led數碼顯示.該振蕩器性能穩定,質量可靠,造型美觀大方,操作方便,實為生物工程、醫藥、衛生等行業科研和生產中使用的理想儀器。

As the plaque gets harder and thicker , it becomes what is known as dental calculus or tartar , a hard calcified layer that is irtually impossible to shift with normal brushing , you would hae to get the dental hygienist to do it 菌斑變硬增厚,即形成所謂的牙垢或牙石,它是一層很硬的鈣化層,一般不能通過刷牙去除,必須得請牙醫處理。

American dentists are now warning that you should not buy teeth whiteners or bleaches over the internet or from other over - the - counter sources without first talking to your dentist or dental hygienist 美國牙醫發出警告,人們不應該在與牙醫協商前,通過互聯網或者在沒有醫生處方的情況下購買牙齒美白產品或漂白劑。

The hong kong childhealth foundation welcome dentists , doctors , hygienist , parents , teachers to respond to this proposal with comments sent to the hong kong childhealth foundation 香港兒童健康基金會歡迎牙醫、醫生、衛生家、家長、教師對此議案作出回應及評論,來函請送香港兒童健康基金會,電郵地址為

First , my hygienist presented me with a causal chain that was hard to dispute . bad brushing leads to loss of teeth . the only way out is to brush better 首先,我的牙醫提出了一套無可辯駁的因果鏈。不好好刷牙,就會導致牙齒壞掉。唯一的解決方法,就是好好刷牙。

As an occupational hygienist you are trained to recognize health hazards , know how to evaluate the risks from them and , most importantly , how to control those risks 作為職業衛生師,要識別出健康危害、知道如何評估風險、更重要的是控制風險。

Yes , my dental hygienist will clean them now , and give you some new ideas on flossing 可以,我的牙科護理員現在會為你洗牙,及告訴你一些用牙線的新方法。

Oh , you ' re a dental hygienist 噢,什么,你是牙醫?

Have a professional clean by a hygienist at your dental surgery 接受牙科診治時,讓保健專家清潔您的牙齒。

Application for enrolment as a dental hygienist 申請登記成為牙齒衛生員

I am a dental assistant ( nurse , hygienist ) 我是口腔科助手(護士,衛生士) 。