
hygienic adj.1.衛生學的。2.衛生的,有益健康的。短語和例子...


Hygienic standard for composite laminated food packaging bag 復合食品包裝袋衛生標準

Hygienic standard for triethylamine in water sources 水源水中三乙胺衛生標準

Provide quality food in clean and hygienic premises 餐館環境清潔衛生,食品質量可靠

Hygienic standard for resorcinol in the air of workplace 車間空氣中間苯二酚衛生標準

Method for analysis of hygienic standard of fermented wine 發酵酒衛生標準的分析方法

Specification for construction and acceptance of hygienic room 潔凈室施工及驗收規范

Hygienic standard for distilled liquor and formulated liquor 蒸餾酒及配制酒衛生標準

Occupational hygienic survey of a charging factory 樂山市某公司爐料廠職業衛生學調查

Hygienic standard for cocoa powder based solid drink 可可粉固體飲料衛生標準

Hygienic practice of cooked meat and meat - products factory 熟肉制品企業生產衛生規范

Standard methods for hygienic test for cosmetics - lead 化妝品衛生化學標準檢驗方法鉛

Hygienic standard for huangyu gymnocypris przewalskii “ kessler 湟魚衛生標準

Hygienic standard of cured meat products of cantonese style 廣式臘肉衛生標準

Hygienic standard for disinfection of dinner and drinking set 食飲具消毒衛生標準

Jiangbei : solve the difficult medical and hygienic problems 破解醫療衛生難題

Hygienic standard for formaldehyde in indoor air of house 居室空氣中甲醛的衛生標準

Hygienic standard for inland navigation passenger ships 內河普通客船衛生標準

Hygienic standard for mica dust in the air of workplace 車間空氣中云母粉塵衛生標準

Opinion on hygienic information and medical record management 談衛生信息與病案管理