
hydroplane n.1.水上飛機。2.水面滑走快艇。3.(潛水艇的)水平...


Based on hydrodynamic lubrication theory , a rectangular tire tread model for simulating the viscous hydroplaning of tire is set up , taking into consideration the effects of hydrodynamic action , squeeze action and road roughness with numerical solutions obtained 摘要根據流體動力潤滑理論,將輪胎貓性滑水問題模擬為胎面單元與路面之間的動壓、擠壓膜問題,同時考慮了路面粗糙度的影響,建立了輪胎胎面單元黏性滑水問題的數學模型,并進行數值求解。

A : only once . my car hydroplaned on a rainy night and went off the road . fortunately i was wearing my seatbelt 只出過一次。有一天下著雨,我開車在路面上行駛,路太滑,車滑出了路面。幸運的是我系著安全帶。

Only once . my car hydroplaned on a rainy night and went off the road . fortunately i was wearing my seatbelt 只出過一次。有一天下著雨,我開車在路面上行駛,路太滑,車滑出了路面。幸運的是我系著安全帶。

Specializing in motorsports including nascar , unlimitied hydroplanes , indy cars , formula one -提供面向組織團體的戶外體驗式培訓服務,包含課程介紹和論壇。