
hydronium n.【化學】水合氫離子(=hydronium ion)。


The choosing and producing of new types of health - protecting fibres provide more space for enterprises relating to weaving , clothing etc to develop new products . there are many types of high functional fibres , for example : minus hydronium fibre , which has been developed in recent years belonges to environment - protecting fibers . it s minus hydronium powder s releasing builds circumstance resembling narure , so as to present a clear and comfortable feeling , which is one that many fibre corporations recommend 通過該纖維中的負離子粉向環境中釋放負離子,營造出仿大自然環境,給人以清新、舒適的感覺,因此成為纖維行業推薦的一種功能性纖維;抗菌聚酯纖維更是一種人們在現代生活中離不開的纖維之一,而如何控制細菌過度繁殖,保持人們在穿著上的健康將是紡織服裝行業的奮斗目標之一。

Its solubility in the water of 90 is more than 100g litre and it can dissolve in alcohol . with good dye levelling performance and better white discharge character , it is sensitive to copper and iron hydronium , thus enough attention should be paid while dying to avoid affecting the colorful light 二染料特性:外觀為藍紫色粉末,在90水中溶解度是50克立升,可溶于酒精勻染性好,拔白性較好,對銅鐵離子敏感,染色時注意,否則影響色光。

It can avoid hurting hair and non - sufficient temperature with hydronium heater and highly heat - resistance colophony on the surface 表面使用了出色的耐熱性能耐熱樹脂及離子板發熱器。可避免損傷頭發或溫度不足。

3 the salt - resistant characteristic which is adapt to poisonousness of salt hydronium , such as salt - gland , crystal cell , and soon 適應鹽離子毒害的抗鹽結構特征。如鹽腺、含鹽液泡包、含晶細胞等。