
hydroforming n.【化學】加氫重整。


In the planning of the hydroforming process , the paper analyzes a representative automobile part to build up the cae simulation model of tube bending , preforming , and hydroforming , and discusses the influence of different preform designs on the final shape of the tube 在管件液壓成形制程規劃方面,本文選取了一具有代表性的汽車結構件進行分析,由原始的彎管、預成形、到液壓成形皆建立了cae模擬模式,并探討不同的預成形設計方式對管件最終成形之影響。

In this paper , the main recent developments of loading path optimization methods for tube hydroforming process are analyzed , and the difficulties in determining the optimal loading path between different methods are compared , some future developments about it are also discussed 文章較為系統地介紹了管件液壓成形中加載路徑的優化設計方法,比較分析了各種方法的優缺點與適用對象,討論了研究過程中存在的主要問題和研究的發展方向。

Basesd on finite element analysis it presents the technology for numeric simulation of tube hydroforming , introduces the construction approach of analytical mode in numeric simulation of tube hydroforming 基于有限元法的管材液壓成形數值模擬技術發展的時間更短,有待進一步研究和發展。

Manufacturing processes forming under combination of tensile and compressive conditions - part 7 : hydroforming widening ; classification , subdivision , terms and definitions 在拉伸和加壓復合條件下復合成形的制造工藝.第7部分

It has been experimentally indicated that moderate wrinkling will make a contribution to enhancing the formability of tube hydroforming 實驗結果表明,適度的起皺有助于提高薄壁管內高壓成形的成形極限。

The technology of tube hydroforming is new and has still many problems need to be studied 摘要管材液壓成形技術是一個相對新穎的技術,其在應用過程中仍然有許多問題需要研究和解決。

It is important to design the loading path correctly during the tube hydroforming process 摘要確定合理的加載路徑是管件液壓成形工藝設計的關鍵。

Investigation on the corner - filling ability and formability of tube in hydroforming with radial crushing 徑壓脹形中管材的填充性及成形性分析

Experimental investigation of axial supplement effects on three - stepped shaft hydroforming 軸向補料量對內高壓成形三臺階軸影響的實驗研究

The hydroforming process with radial self - energizing seal for manufacturing bimetal - lined pipe 基于徑向自緊密封的雙金屬復合管液壓成形

Tailor - welded tube in hydroforming and influence of the heat affected zone on bulge forming 焊縫管液壓成形技術及熱影響區對成形的影響

The effect of axial feed velocity on hydroforming tri - branch tube by fem 軸向進給速度對內高壓成形三通管影響的有限元分析

Investigation of thickness variation in equal t - tube hydroforming 等徑三通管脹形時壁厚影響因素的研究

Investigation of thickness variation in t - tube hydroforming 三通管內高壓成形時壁厚影響因素的研究

Technology of tube hydroforming in lightweight of automobile 汽車輕量化中的管材液壓成形技術

Influence of internal pressure on hydroforming of y - shaped tubes 型三通管內高壓成形影響研究

Application of hydroforming in automotive 液壓成形技術在汽車工業中的應用

The effect factors on the tube hydroforming process 管件液壓成形的影響因素