
hungry adj.(-grier; -griest)1.饑餓的,空...


I drove on, remembering the lean, hungry face of the sleeping man . 我繼續驅車前進,那打盹的趕車人瘦削而帶有饑色的臉仍在腦子里盤旋。

It pained me to think that other children were wondering if i were hungry . 別的孩子們都在懷疑我是不是在挨餓,一想到這事兒我就頭痛。

Immigration from england, germany and other hungry countries also increased . 從英國、德國、以及其他饑荒國家來的人也增加了。

It is food for the hungry of wit and drink to those thirsting for laughter . 它是智慧饑餓時的糧食,是訕笑干渴時的飲料。

Ray was so hungry that he enjoyed every morsel of the stale bread . 瑞因太饑餓了,所以津津有味地吃每一口干硬的面包。

I can not find it in myself to condemn a mother who steals for a hungry child . 我不忍心責備為饑餓行竊的女人。

They are charitable. they feed the hungry and clothe the beggar . 他們是仁慈的,他們給饑餓者飲食,給乞丐衣著。

Hungry joe unpacked his bags and rewrote the happy letters home . 亨格利喬打開行李,重新寫了那些報喜的家信。

The hungry children made a raid on the kitchen and took all the cakes . 饑餓的孩子到廚房偷走所有的糕餅。

I am terribly hungry . 我餓壞了。

I was rare and hungry . 我非常餓。

I'm always hungry . 我總是肚子餓。

She was just toying with her food , as if she was n't really hungry . 她把飯撥弄著玩兒,好像她并不餓。

We were in a sorry plight , tired , lost and hungry . 我們疲乏不堪,迷了路又餓著肚子,處境很是窘迫。

When you are hungry , just pluck a pear off the tree and eat it . 肚子餓了你就從樹上采摘一個梨吃吧。

Sam, life's a cafeteria. tessie's a hungry girl . 薩姆,生活就是個自助餐廳。特西是個饑不擇食的姑娘。

No one should go out in this storm looking for a hungry bear . 誰也不該在暴風雪中出去找一只餓熊。

There can be no lasting peace when people are hungry . 只要人們餓著肚子,就不可能有持久的和平。

This is a hungry baby . 他是個饑餓的寶寶。