
hunchback 駝背;駝子。


He besought rostov to go to her and prepare her . rostov drove on ahead to carry out his wish , and to his immense astonishment he learned that dolohov , this bully , this noted duellist dolohov , lived at moscow with his old mother and a hunchback sister , and was the tenderest son and brother 羅斯托夫先一步去履行他所接受的委托,使他大為驚訝的是,他了解到多洛霍夫這個好惹事的人,多洛霍夫這個決斗家在莫斯科和他的老母與那個佝僂的姐姐一同居住,他是個非常和順的兒子和弟弟。

That s why , when people look at you , they just feel you are beautiful , even if you re lame , if you re an amputee or you re bald , or you walk like a hunchback . because the inner god quality shines ; it s shining and shining and makes everyone feel very good 即使你身體殘障一文不名禿頭或駝背,別人還是會覺得你們很漂亮,因為你們內在的上帝品質會散發出光芒,讓每個人都覺得很舒服而且也因為你們看起來像上帝,而上帝喜愛上帝,同心會相吸。

On tv , hopkins played roles as varied yet somehow intertwined as adolph hitler , accused lindbergh - baby kidnapper bruno richard hauptmann , and the hunchback of notre dame . in 1991 , hopkins won an academy award for his bloodcurdling portrayal of murderer hannibal “ the cannibal “ lecter in the silence of the lambs 92年,霍普金斯還在影片驚情四百年barm stoker s dracula 1992中出色地飾演了一位研究吸血鬼的專家。

She fared somewhat better as the fiery gypsy dance esmeralda to mandy patinkin s “ the hunchback “ in the 1997 tnt tv - movie but her role in the highly anticipated “ 54 “ 1998 was abbreviated when executives demanded reshoots and a change in the storyline 自從薩爾瑪被羅德里格斯帶進好萊塢以后,她便星運亨通。她雖從未涉足任何一部引起轟動的主流電影,但她卻因主演了亡命無涯。

Moses mendelssohn , the grandfather of the well - known german composer , was far from being handsome . along with a rather short stature , he had a grotesque hunchback 德國著名作曲家門德爾松的祖父摩西& # 8226 ;門德爾松長得其貌不揚。除了個子十分矮小之外,他還有一個長得奇形怪狀的駝背。

Step 3 : mind the scuba tank and turn sideways to swim or peer beneath ledges ' otherwise this temporary hunchback will bash into objects above 第三步:在礁石下方時,要留心氣瓶,并且要側身游泳和觀察,否則隆起的背部會碰撞上方物體。

His best - known works are the novels les mis rables and notre - dame de paris ( movie : the hunchback of notre - dame ) 他最著名的兩部作品是小說《悲慘世界》和《巴黎圣母院》 (電影:鐘樓怪人) 。

A cloud , darker than before , covered the hunchback ' s face again ; and his smile became sad , and then faded away 比剛才更加陰沉的黑云布滿了駝背人的臉,他笑得很凄慘,然后那笑也消失了。

Or a hunchback or a dwarf , or one who has a defect in his eye or eczema or scale or crushed testicles 20駝背的、矮矬的、眼睛有毛病的、長癬的、長疥的、或外腎損壞的,都不可近前來。

A little hunchback came forward and offered to escort me to the office of m . le censeur , second in charge 一個小駝背過來主動提出帶我去勒桑塞爾先生的辦公室,那是第二號人物。

Suddenly frollo , with a strange cry , rushed past the hunchback and ran along the passage onto the roof 突然,弗羅洛怪叫一聲,從駝背人身旁沖過,沿著通道奔上樓頂。

Why we think a deformed person or a hunchback clever if he says something we might say 一個殘疾人或駝背的要是說出常人也會說的話,我們就會夸他聰明。

It was next to unthinkable that the hunchback came down to the rope as quickly as a monkey 駝背人從繩子上像猴子一樣地滑下來幾乎是不可想象的。

The hunchback of notre dame ii 鐘樓駝俠續集

The attack of satan or demon … eg . the woman with hunchback and job 撒旦或邪靈的攻擊…駝背的婦人和約伯的例子

The hunchback of notre dame ii 鐘樓駝俠續集英語版

I will kick your butt so high ; you look like a hunchback 我要把你的屁股踢的老高,讓你像鐘樓怪人一樣。

She must be the hunchback ' s wife 她一定就是那個駝背的人的妻子

The hunchback he is . but he ' s good - natured 他的確是駝背但是他心地很好的