
guzzle vi.,vt.大吃大喝,吃光喝光。 guzzle one...


Furthermore , the air is very very dry . this can lead to dehydration , which can also make you feel lousy . it is advisable to bring a litre or two of water with you , and guzzling that non - stop throughout the trip 乘飛機火車汽車旅游時嚴禁攜帶易燃易爆危險品,主要包括各種危險性較大的化工原料和化學藥品子彈火藥農業殺蟲劑和殺菌劑火柴汽油酒精香蕉水調和漆各種強酸及鞭炮等。

When the boxed trees were dropped off at homes , the residents were also invited to swap old energy - guzzling christmas lights for new electricity - sipping holiday lights deemed 90 percent more efficient 市民如果想在過節后將樹種在自家的院子里,還需另外交納相關費用。同時,租用圣誕樹的市民還可用舊的圣誕樹裝飾燈換新的節能型裝飾燈。

Smart cars are already established in many european urban markets and daimler is betting that america ' s fading infatuation with gas - guzzling suvs will be succeeded by fuel economy 在歐洲許多城市的市場中微型轎車已占據穩定份額,戴姆勒公司確信,美國人對耗油量巨大的suv (運動型多功能車)的狂熱正在減退,取而代之的將是省油理念。

Doughnut - chomping , beer - guzzling homer simpson may not be the model father but he has won the hearts of british tv fans who want the nuclear power plant worker to be the next u . s . president 大嚼炸面包圈、狂飲啤酒的霍默?辛普森也許并不是一位模范父親,但他卻贏得了無數英國電視迷的心? ?他們希望這位核電廠工人成為下一任美國總統。

Nathan olson said he usually pays 72 to fill his gas - guzzling 1998 ford f - 150 . friday , he filled the tank three - quarters full for 3 . 50 . the store manager who said she made the mistake did n ' t give her name 另一個名叫內森奧爾森的人則聲稱他平時需要花費72美元才能為自己那輛1998年產的以耗油量大著稱的福特f 150加滿油。

This gloomy assessment comes from the international energy agency , the paris - based organization representing the 26 rich , gas - guzzling member nations of the organization for economic cooperation and development ( oecd ) 這個暗淡的評估來自國際能源署,這個機構位于巴黎,代表經濟合作和發展組織中26個富裕的耗油大國。

He admits using a luxury car isn ' t all plain sailing - he has to clean it twice a day and the 12 cylinder , six - litre engine guzzles an average of $ 120 worth of fuel every two days 他承認豪華車開起來代價不菲,比如,需要兩天就洗一次車,此外,每兩天在排量六升的十二缸引擎需要花費一百二十塊油錢。

Part of his success is owed to the fact that he filled a hollywood vacuum : the lack of a fast - talking , foul - mouthed , beer - guzzling rebel in the high ranks of the business 他的成功部分歸功于他填補了好萊塢的一個空白,即在這一行業的名流當中缺少一個語速快、滿嘴臟話、嗜酒如命的叛逆之徒。

The iglassware system works by coating each glass with a clear , conducting material , enabling it to measure exactly how much liquid has been sipped or guzzled 這種智能酒杯的工作原理是給酒杯涂上一層光潔的傳導材料,這樣無論顧客是小啜還是狂飲,這套系統都可以測量出酒杯中還剩下多少酒。

Airlines need to become more reliably profitable in order to replace kerosene - guzzling 20 - year - old jets with new and more spacious fuel - efficient aircraft 這些企業需要穩定的收入來源,以便采用新型、寬敞、節約燃料的機型代替服役20年、耗油量大的煤油噴氣機。

The last time i was in the six pack diner in detroit , the car - workers guzzling their cholesterol were not opining about the melting polar ice - caps 上次我去底特律的時候,正在緊張生產汽車的工人們并沒有意識到全球變暖導致的冰川融化問題。

Dr riby used a series of memory tests and brain - imaging techniques to assess how volunteers responded after guzzling sugary drinks 萊比博士使用一系列的記憶力測驗和腦部成像技術來評估志愿者喝下含糖飲料后,其腦部會做何反應。

A few gestures on the environment ? higher taxes on gas - guzzling cars ? may blunt opposition criticism that the government isn ' t green 在環境方面的一些姿態性動作- - -如向耗油汽車征收較高的稅?可能會沖淡那些針對政府不環保的批評。

Vw doesn ' t offer this model in the us , instead pushing the gas - guzzling toureg and not - efficient - enough vr6 passat and jetta models 可惜大眾并沒有向美國銷售此車,取而代之的是油耗子圖銳和低功效的vr6帕薩特以及捷達。

No matter how many coca - colas you guzzle , you won ' t be able to chase down a cheetah or leap the grand canyon in a single bound 不管你狂飲多少瓶可口可樂,你不可能追逐印度獵豹或縱身一躍就飛過科羅拉多大峽谷。

It has canceled many incentives devised to promote exports , especially for companies that guzzle energy and pollute heavily 中國還取消了許多旨在促進出口的獎勵措施,尤其是對那些造成嚴重污染的企業。

It has canceled many incentives devised to promote exports , especially for companies that guzzle energy and pollute heavily 該國還取消了很多出口鼓勵政策,尤其是對能源消耗大和重污染型企業。

Ten states , such as gas - guzzling texas and car - making michigan , also back the epa ( see map ) 詩歌州政府,比如嗜油如命的得克薩斯州以及以汽車制造業為主的密歇根州,都支持環保委員會的惡觀點。

It would boost firms hit by higher energy prices , such as the struggling manufacturers of gas - guzzling cars 它將會幫助那些被高能源價格打擊的公司,如那些生產高油耗的汽車制造商。