
guttural adj.1.喉的,咽喉的。2.【語言學】顎音的,喉音的。...


“ extreme “ can be meant to describe any of the following traits : music ( whether it ' s intended to be faster , more aggressive , abrasive or “ heavier “ than other metal styles ) , lyrics ( dealing with darker , more salacious or sensational topics and themes ) , vocals ( which often use guttural , harsh or abrasive singing ) , or appearance and stage demeanor ( using corpse paint , satanic or occult imagery ) “極端“一詞可形容下列任何一種特質:音樂(不論它的用意是為了比其他金屬風格更快,更進取,磨料或“沉“ ) ,歌詞(更黑暗,更淫穢或煽情的題材和主題) ,聲樂(經常使用喉嚨,苛刻或磨損的方式來歌唱) ,或形象和舞臺演繹(用尸體油漆,撒旦或隱匿性意象) 。

And with that she carried la faloise off into the lobby , while the other gentlemen once more resigned themselves to their fate and to semisuffocation and the masqueraders drank on the stairs and indulged in rough horseplay and guttural drunken jests 布太太聽清楚后就把拉法盧瓦茲帶到前廳里,而另外幾位先生只好無可奈何地繼續等待。那幾個穿戲服的群眾演員正沿著樓梯邊走邊喝酒,他們互相打鬧,用醉漢的嘶啞嗓門說說笑笑。

But the loudest din was made by the waiters ; they fancied themselves at home in the corridors of their parent restaurant ; they jostled one another and served the ices and the dessert to an accompaniment of guttural exclamations 叫得最厲害的還是侍者們,他們還以為是在他們自己餐館的走廊里,互相擠來擠去,一邊拖著長長的喉音叫喊,一邊給客人們端來冰淇淋和甜食。

They are rougher in manner and more difficult to polish ; but they are full of shrewdness and mother wit , and possessed of great strength of character , of which , indeed , their remarkable guttural speech is but a type 他們行為粗俗,很難教誨,但是精明強干,富有智慧,擁有堅強性格,這一點從他們善于用喉嚨深處發聲可見一斑。

The person ' s eye , nose , oral cavity is connected each other , be like : drop eyedrop can enter the mouth in , what guttural secretion goes out from nose is drivel , going out from the mouth is phlegmy 人的眼睛,鼻子,口腔是互相通的,如:滴眼藥水能進入嘴里,咽喉的分泌物從鼻子出去的是鼻涕,從嘴出是痰。

Winter had made this speech , half apologetic , to his guest , the then prince of wales . and the prince had replied , in his rather guttural english 文達把這種話向他的貴賓,那時還是威爾士王子,半謝罪地說,那王子用他的帶喉音的英語回答說:

The guttural centre or subtle sphere of speech ( vishuddha - cakra ) at the base of the throat 喉嚨中心或者敏感的說話區域(喉輪)在咽喉的底部。

“ it is a great pitty , “ began jeremy in a low guttural voice “真是不幸得很, ”杰里米用他那重濁的喉音說。

Transition from guttural sound to dental sound recorded in documents 的訓釋與雙音合成詞的內部語義關系

The deep guttural sounds of the speaker were scarcely intelligible to the newly-waked, bewildered listener . 說話人的深重的喉音,使這個剛醒而還莫名其妙的人幾乎難以聽得清楚。

“it is a great pitty,“ began jeremy in a low guttural voice . “真是不幸得很,”杰里米用他那重濁的喉音說。

Cordelia imitated his guttural tones . 科迪莉婭模仿了他那奇怪的腔調。