
gutter n.1.水槽,檐槽。2.溝,邊溝,街溝,明溝。3.【印刷...

gutter child

Elastic plastic calculation of frame structure of gutter - connected greenhouse 多聯棟溫室框架結構的彈塑性計算

Just leave the stuff ( by the curb / on the sidewalk / in the gutter ) 把它仍在(路邊/人行道邊/水槽)就好了。

A gutter under the eaves of a roof 水槽屋檐下的凹槽:

Brackets for eaves gutters - requirements and testing ; german version en 1462 : 2004 檐溝撐架.要求和檢驗

Can set value of zero - start on gutter 可設定零起點在左邊緣

Because their flame of love is guttering and threatens to die , 因為他們愛的火焰被潑了水就快要熄滅了

He took the child out of the gutter 他收養了這個窮苦孩子。

J ust don ' t let me die in the gutter 起碼別讓我就這么死在街頭

Design of naming river sewage interception gutter project in guiyang 貴陽市南明河截污溝工程設計

From the gutter pimp - type / drug dealer 來自下水道的皮條客和毒販

From the gutter pimp - type drug dealer 來自下水道的皮條客和毒販

Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride eaves gutters and downspouts 未增塑聚氯乙烯檐口滴水溝和落水管

As i recall , you once called the nearest gutter pipe home 如果我沒記錯你不久前還以陰溝為家呢

The candle was guttering in the candlestick 蠟燭在燭臺上淌著蠟。

- you got it , bub . - or you can go rot in the gutter -得了,小子-否則你會爛在臭水溝里面的

Newspapers and old sacks skirled a little in the gutters 報紙和舊紙袋在水溝微微地回旋。

Tina was a pale little gutter girl 蒂娜是個臉色蒼白的貧民區的小女孩。

The beach head is the street . in the gutter lies defeat 慢慢的爬在沙灘上數著浪花一朵朵

You got it , bub . - or you can go rot in the gutter 得了,小子-否則你會爛在臭水溝里面的