
gutenberg Gutenberg , Johannes 古騰堡〔140...


“ herr heise , that ' s enough for today , “ replied 19 - year - old robert steinhaeuser respectfully , putting down the pistol with which he had been about to shoot his former teacher . heise , balding and 60 , has emerged as the hero of germany ' s worst postwar massacre for the way he seized the initiative from the young gunman , shaking him out of his frenzied trance and preventing yet more deaths at erfurt ' s gutenberg high school 海澤,這位現年60歲的已經謝頂的老教師,在這起二戰后德國歷史上最嚴重的古騰堡校園槍擊案中英勇地挺身而出,控制了年輕的兇手,讓他從瘋狂的狀態中清醒過來,從而避免了更多的傷亡,因而被人們視為英雄。

Heise , balding and 60 , has emerged as the hero of germany ' s worst postwar massacre for the way he seized the initiative from the young gunman , shaking him out of his frenzied trance and preventing yet more deaths at erfurt ' s gutenberg high chool 海澤,這位現年60歲的已經謝頂的老教師,在這起二戰后德國歷史上最嚴重的古騰堡校園槍擊案中英勇地挺身而出,控制了年輕的兇手,讓他從瘋狂的狀態中清醒過來,從而避免了更多的傷亡,因而被人們視為英雄。

This programme travels to gutenberg ' s hometown of maintz in germany to discover how gutenberg lived and worked and to uncover the amazing range of industrial processes that he would have had to invent 近年兩位著名學者使用數位影像和電腦分析,發現古騰堡圣經的字母各不相同,而制作或鑄造每個字母的方法與今日所謂的活字版印刷的觀念不同,質疑這本圣經的印法。

Milton , john . paradise lost . 2nd ed . edited by alastair fowler . london and new york : longman , 1998 , book ix , lines 511 - 1088 . isbn : 0582215188 . ( download a version of the text from project gutenberg 《失樂園》 ,第二版.由阿拉斯泰爾?福勒編輯.倫敦與紐約:朗曼出版社, 1998 ,第九卷, 511 - 1088行. isbn : 0582215188 . (從古騰堡計劃那里下載一個原文的譯本

Chaucer , geoffrey . “ the wife of bath “ ( including prologue ) . in the canterbury tales . new york : bantam books , 1981 . isbn : 0553210823 . ( download a version of the text from project gutenberg 喬佛利?喬叟.巴斯夫人(包括序言) ,收錄于《坎特伯利故事集》 .紐約:班坦圖書公司, 1981 , isbn : 0553210823 . (至古騰堡/古登堡計劃下載

Chaucer , geoffrey . “ the wife of bath “ ( including prologue ) . in the canterbury tales . new york : bantam books , 1981 . isbn : 0553210823 . ( download a version of the text from project gutenberg 巴斯婦> (包括序言) ,在《坎特伯雷故事集》中.紐約:班坦圖書公司, 1981 . isbn : 0553210823 . (從古騰堡計劃那里下載一個原文的譯本

Shakespeare , william . romeo and juliet . cambridge and new york : cambridge university press , 2003 . isbn : 0521532531 . ( download a version of the text from project gutenberg 威廉?莎士比亞, 《羅密歐與茱麗葉》 .劍橋與紐約:劍橋大學出版社, 2003 . isbn : 0521532531 . (至古騰堡/古登堡計劃下載

Shakespeare , william . romeo and juliet . cambridge and new york : cambridge university press , 2003 . isbn : 0521532531 . ( download a version of the text from project gutenberg 《羅密歐與朱麗葉》 .劍橋與紐約:劍橋大學出版社, 2003 . isbn : 0521532531 . (從古騰堡計劃那里下載一個原文的譯本

Beginning in the 13th century , though , the mechanical clock initiated a revolution equivalent to the one engendered by the later invention by gutenberg of the printing press 但是,自13世紀起,機械鐘引發了一場革命,對歷史的影響相當于后來古騰堡活字印刷術引發的革命。

Many of the readings may be downloaded from the project gutenberg site . those available for download have a direct link to the text listed next to the bibliographic entry 相關閱讀資料大部分的閱讀資料都可自古登堡計劃網站下載,書單已列出并可直接連結網址以下載文章。

If so , one of the most visible products of gutenberg ' s movable type would expire eight years short of the printing press ' s 600th anniversary 如果真是這樣的話,古騰堡的活字印刷制造的最廣為人知的產品將在印刷機發明600周年還差8年時從地球上消失。

Many of the readings may be downloaded as excerpts in pdf format or , in complete form , from the project gutenberg site 多數的閱讀資料可以直接下載,注明pdf之處只提供摘錄,若是下載自古騰堡計劃網站的部分則提供全文。

For the last 550 years , it has been believed the johannes gutenberg was the inventor of movable type 一直以來,我們都相信約翰古騰堡是活版印刷的發明人,而古騰堡圣經的出版代表了人類首次采用活字印刷技術。

The invention of the printing press by johannes gutenberg in 1436 greatly simplified the manufacturing - and piracy - of books 1436年johannes gutenberg發明的活字印刷術大大簡化了書本的印刷和盜版。

Shakespeare , william . the sonnets . new york : penguin books , 2001 . ( download a version of the text from project gutenberg 《十四行詩》 .紐約:企鵝圖書公司, 2001 . (從古騰堡計劃那里下載一個原文的譯本

Many of the readings may be downloaded as excerpts in pdf format or , in complete form , from the project gutenberg site 指定閱讀的節錄或全部內容可由古騰堡研究網站上下載。

Marshall mcluhan was the author of the gutenberg galaxy and other important works about modern mass media 馬歇爾.麥克魯翰著有《谷登堡星云》和其他關于大眾傳媒的重要著作。

One night john gutenberg worked until 4 o ' clock at his printing press 一天夜里,約翰?谷登堡在他的印刷機旁一直工作到早晨四點鐘。

Joint application of gutenberg - richter formula and grey theory gm model to earthquake prediction 模型在地震預測中的聯合應用