
gusty adj.1.陣風的;多陣風的,起大風的。2.迸發的。ad...


The aim of the analysis of wind - induced vibration is to make sure that the construction can work well . according to the dynamic response characters , the statistic parameters of tall ( high rise ) building under wind loads are deduced and the structure dynamic reliability under a gusty wind is acquired through the theory of extreme values and the normal distribution method 抗風分析的最終目的是使結構能夠正常工作,針對高層、高聳結構的風振響應的特點,推導出動響應統計參數的計算公式,并采用正態分布法分析了一次強風作用下的結構可靠度。

It is a newly - developed , digitalized and direct economy . by the structure shift from the traditional economy , the traditional social structure is , and will continue to be , transforming sharply , which is accompanied by the interest and power re - distribute . it is forming several precarious factors , which leads to increase the possibility of happening of gusty public issues 伴隨著傳統經濟結構的變遷,傳統的社會結構也正在發生并將繼續發生深刻的變化,利益和權力在不同的主體之間進行重新分配,形成了諸多不穩定的因素,各類突發性公共事件發生的可能性大大增加,各種類型的危機在眾多地域相繼出現。

We once again experienced the unease and fear that we had felt when we were forced to leave our homes on the night of the september 21 , 1999 earthquake . this time , the gusty winds , relentless rain , and loosened soil and rocks brought tremors to the hearts of all in the community . no one knew when the ruthless downpours might trigger a mudslide 大家再一次在黑夜中被迫走出屋子,兩年前921大地震的驚恐情緒又再次升起,這次更夾雜著風雨及土石,嗶啦嗶啦地沖擊著社區里每個人的心,不知瘋狂的雨神何時會激怒山神,造成石淹大地的后果。

The production of gold , and consumption of gold for jewelry determines the commodity supply and demand of gold , and they have a long - term effect on the gold prices . the investment supply and demand is easy to be influenced by foreign exchange rate , interest rate , financial market situation , gusty events and the like . these factors can have both short - term and long - term impacts on the gold prices 影響黃金價格的因素很多:黃金的產量、消費等的變化會影響對黃金的商品性供求的變化,對黃金的價格主要產生中長期的影響;匯率、利率、全球經濟狀況、突發事件等將影響到對黃金的投資性供給和需求,這種影響可以是短期性的,也可能是長期性的。

Little gusts of sunshine blew , strangely bright , and lit up the celandines at the wood s edge , under the hazel - rods , they spangled out bright and yellow . and the wood was still , stiller , but yet gusty with crossing sun . the first windflowers were out , and all the wood seemed pale with the pallor of endless little anemones , sprinkling the shaken floor 一陣陣的陽光乍明乍暗,奇異的光輝,林邊棱樹下的毛莫草,在陽光照耀下,好象金葉似的閃著黃光,樹林里寂靜著,這樣地寂靜著,但給一陣陣的陽光照得揣揣不安,新出的白頭翁都在開花了,滿地上布散著它們蒼白的顏色。

Chapter 4 time - dependent computational simulation of the response of cable - suspension feed system in gusty wind based on the time - independent structure finite element method , and with consideration of the movement laws of cabin , a 3 - d time - dependent structure finite element model formulated by a new method named iss method ( instantaneous structure supposition method ) to deal with the vibration response of cable - suspension feed system in gusty wind is presented . in the model , all sources of geometric non - linearity , cable sag and changes of cable geometry due to large displacement , are fully considered 基于時不變結構的有限單元法,在綜合考慮饋源艙運動規律的基礎上,提出了時變系統的瞬時結構假定法,通過將懸索離散為索桿單元,建立了系統的時變有限元模型,該模型充分考慮了懸索的垂度和大變形等幾何非線性因素,應用ne 。

This time , i remembered i was lying in the oak closet , and i heard distinctly the gusty wind , and the driving of the snow ; i heard , also , the fir bough repeat its teasing sound , and ascribed it to the right cause : but it annoyed me so much , that i resolved to - silence it , if possible ; and , i thought , i rose and endeavoured to unhasp the casement 這一回,我記得我是躺在那個橡木的套間里。我清清楚楚地聽見風雪交加我也聽見那樅樹枝子重復著那戲弄人的聲音,而且也知道這是什么原因。可是它使我太煩了,因此我決定,如果可能的話,把這聲音止住。

I immediately checked the other fruit and found that most of them were being blown away . only a small persimmon and a small wax apple were left on the tree . because they were still very small and grew close to the thick foliage , they remained safe even in the gusty wind 我趕緊看看樹上的其它果子,大部分也被風刮得七零八落,就還剩一小顆柿子跟一小顆蓮霧,因為它們結實還小,又緊靠在樹枝及樹葉濃密處生長,支撐網大,盡管風大,也沒能刮下它們。

As she took off one of her stockings , she heard the sound of gusty winds but the trees nearby were still . she thought she had not heard right and prepared to take off her other stocking . again , she heard the wind but did not see the trees move or any other sign of it 當她把襪子脫掉的時候聽到了很大的風聲,不過她看四周的樹都沒有搖動,認為是自己聽錯了,繼續脫另外一只襪子時,又再次聽到風聲,然后她就看看四周仍舊沒有風樹也沒有動。

The first is the need of wide bandwidth , the second is the high real time need and the third is the gusty data . however , the status of current network is narrow bandwidth , unpredictable delay while transmitting multimedia data , and appearing the phenomenon of losing package 而當前的網絡狀況是網絡帶寬不夠高,傳輸多媒體數據時還會有不可預知的延遲,而且目前的網絡質量還不可避免地出現丟包現象。

For several days before the retreat , god sent heavy rain and gusty winds to clean the land . and when the retreat commenced , the weather turned bright and sunny , surprising even the owner who revealed that he had never witnessed such a heavy rainstorm 尤其上帝更在打禪的前夕,用好幾天的大雨及大風洗凈大地,在禪四期間開始后就出現了晴朗天氣,主人也驚訝地說他從來就沒看過如此的大風大雨!

It is important to take note of this wind direction and you should be aware that local topography , or , the presence of buildings nearby sometimes modifies the airflow substantially , making it exceptionally gusty in very localised areas 強烈季候風信號生效時,市民應該留意天氣報告所述的風向。此外,應注意到由于氣流可能會受到附近建筑物或地形的影響,局部地區的風力會特別疾勁。

It was quite in mr . bounderby ' s gusty way to boast to all his world that he didn ' t care about your highly connected people , but that if his wife tom gradgrind ' s daughter did , she was welcome to their company 龐得貝先生一向喜歡對他周圍夸夸其談地說,他并不在乎要同社會地位很高的人來往,不過要是他的老婆?湯姆?葛擂硬的女兒?喜歡的話,那么她跟他們來往也就聽便吧。

Therefore , in the background of internet economy , how to understand the social crisis and how to deal with the common - relation coming with these gusty public issues , is becoming an important subject facing china 因此,如何認識網絡經濟條件下的社會危機,以及政府應如何對突發性公共事件所帶來的危機進行公關,已成為我國政府面臨的重大課題。

In the view of a certain stratum of society , carrie was comfortably established - in the eyes of the starveling , beaten by every wind and gusty sheet of rain , she was safe in a halcyon harbour 照某些社會階層的標準看,嘉莉現在的境遇是夠舒服的了-在那些忍饑挨餓,飽受凄風冷雨之苦的人們眼里,她現在已進入風平浪靜的安全港。

“ so it looks , “ said carrie , whose nerves were quieting under the sound of the rain drops , driven by a gusty wind , as the train swept on frantically through the shadow to a newer world “看來是這樣, ”嘉莉說。聽著一陣陣風送來的雨點聲,她的神經漸漸地安靜了下來。火車正穿過黑暗,朝著一個更新的世界疾駛而去。

Critics like to dwell on their expensive dinners and their cosy approval of one another , and to contrast to their delicate literary stomachs to the gusty appetites of mark twain or whitman 批評家們喜歡攻擊他們在飲食上過于揮霍,彼此互相標榜,還拿他們文學上的細膩作風和馬克?吐溫與惠特曼的風格相對比。

Critics like to dwell on their expensive dinners and their cozy approval of one another , and to contrast to their delicate literary stomachs the gusty appetites of twain or whitman 批評家們喜歡攻擊他們在飲食上過于揮霍,彼此互相標榜,還拿他們文學上的細膩作風和馬克?吐溫與惠特曼豪放的風格相對比。

On sleeping , i continued in dreams the idea of a dark and gusty night . i continued also the wish to be with you , and experienced a strange , regretful consciousness of some barrier dividing us 但一睡著,又繼續夢見月黑風高的夜晚,繼續盼著同你在一起,并且奇怪而遺憾地意識到,某種障礙把我們隔開了。