
gustatory adj.味覺的。 the gustatory bud 味...


The nucleus of the solitary tract ( nts ) innervates the visceral primary afferents of most organs in the neck , chest and abdomen . the rostral part of nts receives the special visceral , gustatory afferents , while the mid - caudal part receives the respiratory , gastrointestinal and cardiovascular afferents 孤束核( nts )接受頸、胸和腹腔大部分內臟器官的感覺傳入,其吻段1 / 3主要與特殊內臟感覺的味覺傳入有關,中尾段2 / 3主要與呼吸器官、胃腸道和心血管等內臟傳入有關。

When the consumption of novel flavored food is followed by internal malaise , such as queasiness , diarrhea , bellyache and so on , animals will decrease or avoid ingesting the food with the same gustatory feature on the subsequent exposures . this type of behavioral change is referred to as conditioned taste aversion ( cta ) 動物攝取某種具有新異味覺的食物后,如果導致惡心、嘔吐、腹瀉等內臟不適感覺,動物便可“記住”這種食物的特殊味覺特征,減少或拒絕攝取相同味覺特征的食物,這種行為變化過程稱為味覺厭惡學習( cta ) 。

Firstly , this paper introduce the biology of gustatory , then the notion and development of electronic tongue , the structure and development survey of artificial taste sensor system , the importance and development survey of electronic tongue signal process 本文首先介紹了味覺感受的生理基礎,接下來介紹了電子鼻的概念和發展、人工味覺系統結構和發展概況、電子舌信號處理的發展概況、電子舌的一些典型模式識別方法。

Although it is uncertain as to how far messages can travel and how long the messages can be , researches have indicated that while visual messages can be transmitted by telepathy through the use of the virtual screen , auditory and gustatory information cannot 目前還不能確定的是信息傳送的距離和信息量的極限。實驗結果還說明思維傳感通過屏幕效應,所以視覺信息可以傳送,而聽覺和味覺等信息則不能傳送。

Objective needs , present situation of sensor technique and people span of apprehension to gustatory process decide come into being and development of electronic tongue 客觀的需要、傳感器技術的現狀和人對味覺過程的理解程度決定了電子舌的產生和發展。

Cta is based on the gustatory learning and memory after association of the taste of food with the visceral signals of poisoning Cta是以味覺學習和記憶為基礎的適應性行為,是動物避免重復攝取有毒食物的一種重要學習機制。

Modulation of gabaergic inhibition in gustatory zone of the nucleus of the solitary tract 能抑制對味覺信息的調制作用

Whereas attractants, repellents, and many incitants are olfactory substances, stimulants, and deterrents are usually gustatory . 引誘劑,排斥劑還是其他的興奮劑都是嗅覺物質,但刺激劑和阻抑劑常常是味覺物質。