
gurgle vi.1.汩汩地流。2.(人高興時從喉嚨中)發咯咯聲;(...


In spring blooming flowers decorate the slopes in a riot of colour and fill the valleys with fragrance ; in summer you see verdured peaks rising one upon another and hear springs gurgling merrily . autumn dresses the mountains in red and purple as maples are all blazing - red ; winter turns them into a world of frost and ice with silver boughs and rocks everywhere 春天,盛開的鮮花色彩繽紛,點綴著四處的山坡夏天,您可以看到青綠的山峰一座連一座,泉水在歡樂地流著秋天把整個黃山裝扮成紅紫相間的世界,正是楓樹火紅的季節冬天則把群山變成一個冰與霧的世界,到處是銀枝銀石。

At the approach of spring the red squirrels got under my house , two at a time , directly under my feet as i sat reading or writing , and kept up the queerest chuckling and chirruping and vocal pirouetting and gurgling sounds that ever were heard ; and when i stamped they only chirruped the louder , as if past all fear and respect in their mad pranks , defying humanity to stop them 不多久,不僅在這些湖岸上,在每一個小山,平原和每一個洞窟中,都有霜從地里出來了,像一個四足動物從冬眠中醒了過來一樣,在音樂聲中尋找著海洋,或者要遷移到云中另外的地方。

In spring blooming flowers decorate the slopes in a riot of colour and fill the valleys with fragrance ; in summer you see verdured peaks rising one upon another and hear springs gurgling merrily . autumn dresses the mountains in red and purple as maples are all blazing - red ; winter turns them into a world of frost and ice with silver boughs and rocks everywhere 春天,盛開的鮮花色彩繽紛,點綴著四處的山坡;夏天,您可以看到青綠的山峰一座連一座,泉水在歡樂地流著;秋天把整個黃山裝扮成紅、紫相間的世界,正是楓樹火紅的季節;冬天則把群山變成一個冰與霧的世界,到處是銀枝銀石。

Our company is located around the baiyun scenic zone with hills , water is gurgling between rocks , there is a famous sight spot in the scenic zone : emperor culture city at shicheng mountain , with the tripod cagdron , imperial jade seal , general shi etc historic site 本公司地處風光秀麗的白云風景區邊,周邊山巒起伏,山泉淙淙,而在風景區內更有一處聞名的景點:石城山的黃帝文化城,內有黃帝鑄鼎的石鼎爐,黃印、石將軍等歷史古跡,公司交通方便距金麗溫高速入口2公里。

Whatever happens , it always appears that that was foreseen and decreed . whichever way the ship turns , the waves gurgle in front of it , and neither guiding nor accelerating its movement , will seem to us at a distance to be moving arbitrarily and guiding the course of the ship 不管船開到什么地方去,那波浪總在它前面洶涌澎湃,然而它既不指導也不加強它的運動,從遠處看,我們覺得那波浪的水花不僅自己移動,而且也指導著船的運動。

The baths in each of the 90 guest - rooms are tiled with smooth guanyin pebbles . for outdoor bathers , there is a soothing view of the mountains from the hot spring pool in the resort s meticulously laid - out japanese courtyard , with its bamboo , rocks , and softly gurgling water 九十間客房的浴池都以溫潤的觀音石砌,而戶外庭園溫泉,遠可眺青山,近可欣賞巧心設計的日式庭園,在竹籬雅石和潺潺流水中,休憩身心。

Stephen dedalus , displeased and sleepy , leaned his arms on the top of the staircase and looked coldly at the shaking gurgling face that blessed him , equine in its length , and at the light untonsured hair , grained and hued like pale oak 斯蒂芬迪達勒斯氣惱而昏昏欲睡,雙臂倚在樓梯欄桿上,冷冰冰地瞅著一邊搖頭一邊發出咯咯聲向他祝福的那張馬臉,以及那頂上并未剃光6色澤和紋理都像是淺色橡木的淡黃頭發。

“ it would be very easy to just stop , “ said patti quigley , as her baby leigh gurgled on her lap . “ she wakes up at 6 , like clockwork , every day , and i ca n ' t just let her lie there . . . . once i ' m up , i ' m all right . 帕蒂奎格利看著自己的孩子利歡笑著坐在她腿上,說道, “要對付痛苦其實很簡單,孩子每天早上6點準時醒來,象個活鬧鐘,而我總不能就讓她干躺在那兒所以我只要睜開眼睛,感覺就好多了。

He faced about and blessed gravely thrice the tower , the surrounding country and the awaking mountains . then , catching sight of stephen dedalus , he bent towards him and made rapid crosses in the air , gurgling in his throat and shaking his head 然后,他一瞧見斯蒂芬迪達勒斯就朝他彎下身去,望空中迅速地畫了好幾個十字,喉嚨里還發出咯咯聲,搖看頭。

Whether the end comes in some climactic gurgle or more likely , in a succession of dizzyinglydestabilizing shortages , temporary sluts , and deeper shortages , the oil epoch is ending 最后一滴石油是否會在某種高潮下嘎然而止,或者還可能是在一系列令人頭昏目眩匱乏搖擺之中,暫時過剩,而后又是更嚴重不足,但不管怎樣,石油時代正在逐漸地結束。

Leia had begun coughing and gurgling a bit and the moment they had dashed into the healers ( adding a few minor casualties on the way ) they had swept her out of his arms and into an examination room 萊婭開始有一點咳嗽、流涕,他們一沖進醫院(一路上引發幾起小小的傷亡事件) ,醫療者就把萊婭從阿納金的懷里奪去,走進了一間檢查室。

But clifford s voice went on , clapping and gurgling with unusual sounds . how extraordinary it was ! how extraordinary he was , bent there over the book , queer and rapacious and civilized , with broad shoulders and no real legs 多么異樣的他,傾著身在他的書本上,樣子是奇怪的,貪婪的,文明的,他有寬闊的肩膊,卻沒有兩條真腿!

Artistic pot plants comprise high mountains and aged woods , wide expanses of wilderness with green forests and gurgling streams , contained in the limited space of shallow earthenware vessels 雖一花一樹之培植,等閑耗費十數年功夫,既需園藝常識,又要文藝修養,與高度耐性,不辭勞苦,始能構成饒有詩情畫意之雋品。

Mcgrath ' s morbid book has its attractions , namely a sense of dread gurgling under the controlled prose and a narrator of great and perverse unreliability (與電影相比)病態的小說原作是有其可取之處的,就是那種以克制的語言,和極端不可靠的旁白來烘托出整篇小說的所賦予讀者的那種無處不在的煩躁厭惡。

Geberit trap assembly : beautiful design , no gurgling noise , absolutely reliable , tried and tested in millions of applications , suitable for all standard and special bathtubs and showers 對我們尊敬的客戶和暖衛安裝人員而言,小空間需求可靠的氣味密封低噪音及易安裝等品質特點具有同等重要的吸引力。

Are there no rosy sunsets today and no rainbows and no haze nestling over villages , and are there no falling cataracts and gurgling streams and shady trees 落日的余暉、虹影和輕霧,今日不再籠罩在村落上了嗎?世界上不再有直瀉的瀑布、潺潺的流水,和多蔭的樹木了嗎?

The product changed other kinds of products ' passively way of playing ? just sitting , sliding or gurgling . the child could creatively play according to own imagination 該產品改變了其他類型產品坐坐、滑滑、轉轉等的被動玩法,兒童可以發揮自己的想象力,創造性地去玩。

Bring a plastic straw to a fancy restaurant . make loud gurgling sounds when you get to the bottom as you attempt to drink every last molecule of diet coke 帶上一根塑料吸管,去一家有特色的餐館吃飯。在你喝完杯中的最后一滴可樂之前,一定要發出咕嚕咕嚕的聲音。

I have frequent belching in recent one year . it is like throwing up but there is only a gurgling sound and some mucus 本人近一年來,經常有嘔空氣的情況出現,情況就像一般嘔吐,但不會吐出任何食物,只有聲響及倒流出一些很黏性的透明液體,每次嘔前都感到胃脹