
guardian n.1.保護者,保衛者;保管者,管理員。2.【法律】監護...

guardian angel

Of course . i ' m a guardian angel of music 當然啦,我是音樂的守護天使呀

You just come in like you re their guardian angel 你就像守護神那樣出現

And if their guardian could not rescue them , 如果他們的監護人救不了他們

I know that this was truly our “ guardian on the road “ 我確信那就是我們的“路邊天使” 。

You just come in like you ` re their guardian angel 你就像守護神那樣出現

The dog was a jealous guardian of the child 狗是孩子小心翼翼的守護者。

The guardian act negligently towards his ward 監護人未等待他對未成年人應負的監護責任。

A stunt man needs to have a good guardian angel 當特技替身演員的得有個守護天使來保佑。

I read the “ guardian “ and so does mr . peter 我讀《衛報》 ,彼得先生也讀。

I must have a guardian angel and the devil ' s own luck 我肯定有神靈護體

About being a lousy legal guardian to three kids 不那么開心的話,請原諒我

The legal guardian must act on behalf of the child 法定監護人應該維護這個孩子的利益

Your father chose to leave me your guardian 你父親遺命托我為你的監護人。

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Do you get ` the times ' or the ` guardian ' 你經常買《泰晤士報》還是《衛報》

She can if she has the permission of her guardian 要是得到了監護人的許可,她就可以

And pray what sort of guardians do you make 請問,你這位保護人當得怎么樣?

One that serves as a guardian or protector 守護人的,保護者作為守護人或保護者的人

The state of being in the charge of a guardian 監護人的身份負有監護人的職責的狀態