
grudge vt.1.羨慕,嫉妒。2.吝惜,不愿給。 短語和例子gr...


These grudges , they ' re awfui . nobody wins 這些怨恨,太可怕了,沒有勝者

But hak - soo held a grudge against everyone else 但是鶴洙總是怨恨其他人

You know , i just can ' t hold a grudge 你知道,我只是無法不表現出我的記恨

I grudge paying so much for such inferior goods 我不愿花這麼多錢買次品

You don ' t hold a grudge , doya ? all she said that night - 你沒有懷恨在心吧,她那天晚上說的

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While you ' re nursing your grudge , they ' re out dancing 把人拉下來時,你一定也在下面。

At a time like this , i do not grudge a thing 在這樣的時候,我什麼都舍得。

She will grudge a penny even to the poor beggar 她連給最窮的乞丐一個便士都舍不得。

Forgive anyone you ' ve been holding a grudge against 寬待與自己有積怨的人。

We would grudge nothing for them . tell them so 為了他們,我們什么都不吝嗇。

Use hospitality one to another without grudging 9你們要互相款待,不發怨言。

She still nursed a grudge against her old enemy 她對自己的宿仇仍然懷恨在心。

This was one man acting out some kind of grudge 這是那個男人由于怨恨而引起的悲劇

Some - some memory . some smudge . some grudge 一些回憶,一些骯臟的東西,一些怨恨

Them japs sure know how to hold a grudge , don ' t they 日本鬼子不是很記仇的嗎?

His crude master grudged him even the food he ate 他舍不得給他的馬所吃的食物。

He had, moreover, an ancient personal grudge against paine for exposing a friend's corrupt deal during the war of independence . 再加上潘恩在獨立戰爭期間曾揭發他的一個朋友貪污腐化,所以他對潘恩懷有個人宿怨。

Each day is a holiday , and ordinary holidays when they come are grudged as enforced interruptions in an absorbing vocation . 每個工作日象假日一樣,平時節日的來臨被抱怨為是對他們正全神貫注的工作的強行中斷。