
grover n.格羅弗〔男子名〕。


In three separate studies of hong kong chinese kindergartners , parents who were trained to read to their children using the dialogic reading technique , originally developed by professor grover whitehurst in the u . s . , significantly improved their children s vocabulary knowledge over time as compared to children reading with their parents the way they typically did at home or not reading at all 香港中文大學心理系進行了三項對香港本地幼稚園學生的獨立閱讀研究,當中有參與對話式閱讀訓練的家長相比于沒有參與訓練的,他們的小朋友對詞匯的認識能力有非常明顯的增加。最早期研究對話式閱讀的是一位美國教授groverwhitehurst ,中文大學嘗試將這個閱讀方法應用在中文語言及讀寫能力的學習。

I also wish to thank robin - noble thomas for her technical insight in writing this paper as well as her hard work for delivering this feature in the information integrator s 8 . 2 release . anjali grover , eileen lin , and ioana ursu , using the federated database technology of ibm db2 information integrator 我同時還要對robin - noble thomas表示感謝,這篇文章中所闡述的就是她的技術觀點,她經過艱苦卓絕的努力工作后,終于把information integrator s 8 . 2發行版中的功能交付使用。

The series will honor four different presidents per year , in the order they served in office . each president will appear on only one coin , except for grover cleveland , who will be on two because he was the only president to serve nonconsecutive terms 始于1999年,至2008年結束,預計為期十年,即平均每年有五個州要發行代表各自每一個州的硬幣,希望藉此讓年輕一代了解各州的人文歷史等傳統文化。

Traditional education is obsolete and fails to teach students the skills of problem - solving , critical thinking and effective communication , which they need to succeed in the 21st century , principal shirley grover said in an interview 校長舍莉?格羅弗在一次采訪中說,如今傳統教育已經過時了,無法提高學生解決問題、辨證思考和有效溝通的能力,而這些能力正是21世紀所需要的。

Traditional education is obsolete and fails to teach students the skills of problem - solving , critical thinking and effective communication , which they need to succeed in the 21st century , principal shirley grover said in an interview 校長舍莉格羅弗在一次采訪中說,如今傳統教育已經過時了,無法提高學生解決問題辨證思考和有效溝通的能力,而這些能力正是21世紀所需要的。

The site also reveals the reason for that orientation . “ many people - corporate executives and celebrities i ve heard about - enjoy doing the dull things , “ the site s author lee carlson , also known as grover click , told reuters 網站創始人lee carlson ,也被稱為grover click對路透社說: “很多人公司執行官和我所聽說過的名人們都很喜歡做瑣碎的事情。 ”

“ many people - corporate executives and celebrities i ' ve heard about - enjoy doing the dull things , “ the site ' s author lee carlson , also known as grover click , told reuters . “ it ' s an ordinary subject taken to extremes 網站創始人lee carlson ,也被稱為grover click對路透社說: “很多人公司執行官和我所聽說過的名人們都很喜歡做瑣碎的事情。 ”

During the research , we also studied the quantum algorithms . we found that there are some problems in grover ' s quantum search algorithm , and proposed an improved quantum search algorithm to resol 在經典二分法的基礎上,提出了二分法量子搜索算法,它的時間復雜度為o ( ( lo咖“勺。

History has no record of grover cleveland and grover cleveland ever sitting down together 歷史沒有格羅弗?克利夫蘭和格羅弗?克利夫蘭曾經坐在一起的記錄。

Quantum multi - user detection based on grover algorithm 算法的量子多用戶檢測