
grounder n.【棒球】(沿地面跳滾的)滾地球 (=grounder...


Based on five years regional water - salt monitoring data and related hydrological and weather information in the smaller scale experiment zone ( shahaoqu ) , the regional water - soil ( salt ) environment regime including grounder water table depth , water quality , superficial layer ( 0 - 40cm ) and middle layer ( 40 - 70cm ) soil moisture and saline concentration are simulated , tested and predicted using bp model . at the same time , the rbf model is be used to calibrate the results of bp 以一個小尺度試驗區的多年區域水鹽監測資料及水文氣象資料為建模依據,對試區非凍期(作物生長期)的地下水位、地下水質、土壤水鹽( o - 40cm , 40 - 70cm )的水-土(鹽)環境狀況進行了較為深入全面的模擬預測,并進行了rbf模型預測結果的對比。

After the game , in a series of short and soft answers , wang kept smiling and insisting through an interpreter that he had no idea that he had been five outs from perfection until he finished the inning by giving up a single and getting a double - play grounder , then walking off to a standing ovation 比賽結束之后的訪問,王建民微笑的被記者開玩笑,說他只差五個出局數就投出完全比賽,直到被擊出安打后制造雙殺,慢慢走回休息區。

The right - hander successfully defended against four batted balls , including a fourth - inning play in which he took an ichiro suzuki grounder off his left ankle , throwing out the seattle speedster at first base after the ball deflected up off his chest 這名右投手成功的完成四次守備工作,其中包含第四局鈴木一朗擊出到他左腳踝附近的強襲球,他不慌不忙的接起球傳往一壘造成出局。

America ' s pastime : nine weeks of pitched fastballs and sore elbows , grounders up the middle , digging it out to first base , shagging flies in the outfield and swatting mosquitoes in the infield 這是一種美國的消閑方式:九周的快速投球,胳膊肘酸疼;打出一直滾到場中間的地滾球;從地上撿起球再扔給第一壘;在邊場抓住飛球;在內場拍打蚊子。

Wang did not walk a batter , struck out five , and drew 11 of the other 16 outs he recorded on grounders in beating the mariners for the fourth time without a loss in his brief major league career 在他共7局的投球中沒有任何保送,有5次三振, 16個出局數中有11個是滾地球.這也讓他生涯對水手的戰績來到4勝且沒有敗績。

In addition , the dynamic layer analysis of slope stability under the influence of grounder water is introduced , the dynamic database of the water level of dongmiaojia slide is studied and developed 介紹了考慮地下水影響的邊坡穩定動態層分析的原理,研究設計了東苗滑坡的地下水位動態數據庫。

But one grounder was a fielder ' s choice on a grounder by carl crawford ; it might have been a double play had it been fielded cleanly by second baseman robinson can 其中卡爾擊出的滾地球是靠野手選擇上壘;當時要是二壘手卡諾能漂亮攔截下來,說不定就能造成雙殺。

The pitcher picked up the soft grounder and could easily have thrown the ball to the first baseman . shaya would have been out and that would have ended the game 投手接起這個輕柔的地滾球,本來他可以輕而易舉地把它傳給一壘手,這樣沙亞就會出局,比賽也就會結束。

The aluminum siding on the house had hundreds of dents . the father would urge the boy to dive for grounders . the boy would get dirty . the father never yelled 房屋的鋁制墻板上有幾百個凹痕,父親鼓勵男孩撲接滾地球,這個男孩老是全身臟兮兮,但他從不大聲斥責。

Last night , wang induced 13 outs on 10 grounders , including a double play that involved perhaps the two fastest players in the national league 昨晚,王用10個為滾地球制造了13個出局數,其中包括了一次雙殺,一次解決了兩位可能是國家聯盟最快的球員。

Wang has a knack of getting the grounder when he needs it , thanks to a heavy sinker that hitters struggle to lift into the outfield on a fly 當他需要時,王可以熟練的獲得一個滾地球,感謝一顆沉重的沉球,使得打者掙扎撈打想飛球到外野。

Wang has constantly proven that statement right , showing an uncanny ability to induce grounder after grounder when he ' s on 王持續的證明了這種說法是正確的,他顯示了異于常人的能力,引導著一個接一個的滾地球,只要他在投手丘上時。

Thirteen of his outs came by route of infield grounders , 10 by strikeout and two more on flies to the infield or short outfield grass 13個出局數是內野滾地出局, 10個三振,另外加上2個內野及外野草地的飛球。

After their first single , chris snelling ' s grounder into right field in the first inning , seattle stranded the runner S在第一支滾地球安打擊出之后,水手隨即讓他擱淺在壘包上。

It was the first of three fielder ' s - choice grounders the yankees hit into in the ninth 這是洋基在第九局敲出的三次野手選擇的滾地球中的第一個。

When he hits the ball along the ground , it is called a “ grounder “ 湯姆:如果他打一個沿場地滾的球,就叫作滾地球。

Reform of grounder by using numerical controlling technology 普通磨床的數控技術改裝