
future n.1.未來,將來。2.前途,遠景。3.〔pl.〕 【商...

future perfect

Oh, distant vistas are like the distant future . 噢!遙遠的景色就像遙遠的未來。

The future holds limitless promise . 未來有著無限的希望。

You must set apart some money for the future . 你必須留出一些錢來以備將來之用。

I entered into conversation with him on my future plan . 我和他談我將來的計劃。

His mind was occupied with the future . 他一心盤算著將來。

The future does n't seem very hopeful . 前途似乎不太樂觀。

The future is both discouraging and hopeful . 未來是沮喪的,卻也是充滿希望的。

You shall wish in vain for the future ! 今后你就別妄想了!

I 'll be a good boy for the future . 我以后要做一個好孩子。

But the future lay ahead after all . 但是遠景卻總擺在面前。

Mother has stashed some money for future use . 媽媽藏起來一些錢準備將來花用。

He was the man who had the future . 應該飛黃騰達的本該是他。

There is no reason to be pessimistic about the future . 沒有理由對未來悲觀。

She is my future stay and helpmate . 她是我未來的伴侶和內助。

The future may provide an anti-senility pill . 將來或許會有一種抗衰老藥片。

He spoke darkly of possible future disaster . 他悲觀地說將來可能大難臨頭。

I do n't know what the future has in store for us . 不曉得將來究竟怎么樣。

Why should i try to read the future ? 我為什么要去預料將來呢?

For the future , try to be more diligent in your work . 今后你應該更勤奮。