
futility n.1.無用,無益。2.無益的事。3.輕浮的言行。


Saudi arabia was destined to play a series of roles in subsequent years [ red ] behind the scenes [ / red ] and to contribute to the effort of united states , especially on the syrian [ red ] track , [ / red ] but all these endeavors ended in futility 沙特阿拉伯在后來的日子里注定要扮演一系列的幕后角色,特別是在敘利亞問題上支持美國做法,但所有努力以失敗告終。

These cases show the increasing futility of the expression “ off the record ” in large groups or when dealing with nonprofes ? sional journalists who aren ' t steeped in the nomenclature of what can be disclosed and what can ' t 這些例子都表現出, “不作記錄”這一表達在大眾中及如何對待不參與制定哪些新聞該被報道規則的非職業記者時日益顯得軟弱無力。

In the past all the great masters in one voice used to say that until we ' ve given up the illusion of the reality of the futility of this life totally then we can ' t really turn our minds to the reality of the dharma 過去所有偉大的上師都曾同出一辭地告訴我們,除非我們能完全地放棄這個幻相,認識到此生的虛幻,我們才能真正認識到佛法的真相。

Saudi arabia was destined to play a series of roles in subsequent years behind the scenes and to contribute to the effort of united states , especially on the syrian track , but all these endeavors ended in futility 沙特阿拉伯在后來的日子里注定要扮演一系列的幕后角色,特別是在敘利亞問題上支持美國做法,但所有努力以失敗告終。

It also holds for an entirely “ other “ universe , in which the sense of alienation and futility would become so debilitating as to make the quest for happiness ? one ' s own or that of others ? impossible 這個分析也適用于對整個“其它”宇宙[的認同] ,在那里的隔絕感與徒勞感極其有害,使人對快樂的追求(無論為己為他)成為不可能。

Martin and emory reached the podium and stared out at us with pained expressions on their faces . i sensed the rumblings of fear in their guts and their sense of futility regarding the impact of the speech they were about to give 馬丁和艾墨利來到講臺上,面帶痛苦地看著我們我感覺到他們對即將要說的事充滿害怕和徒勞之感。

He sees with one eye closed and with one eye opened the futility of much that goes on around him and of his own endeavors , but barely retains enough sense of reality to determine to go through with it 他睜著一只眼,閉著一只眼,看穿了他周遭所發生的事情和他自己的努力的徒然,可是還保留著充分的現實感去走完人生的道路。

“ because - “ he faltered as the whole vast field of literature and the history of literature stirred in his brain and pointed the futility of his attempting to convey to her the reasons for his faith “因為”他猶豫了。整個廣袤無邊的文學和文學史天地在他的頭腦里悸動,它告訴他不可能跟她說清他為什么會有信心。

Yet he could live alone , in the wan satisfaction of being alone , and raise pheasants to be shot ultimately by fat men after breakfast . it was futility , futility to the nth power 可是他可以孤獨地生活著,心里淡淡地滿足著自己能夠孤獨,養雉雞,這些雉雞是終要給那些飽餐以后的肥胖先生們射樂的,多么空泛!

It also holds for an entirely “ other “ universe , in which the sense of alienation and futility would become so debilitating as to make the quest for happiness ? one ' s own or that of others ? impossible 同樣,假若以整個宇宙? “他” ,此中的隔絕感與徒勞感將如此壓抑,不可能成就對幸福的追求? ?無論?己?他。

He saw before him an unhappy girl , knew the futility of attempting to convince her husband or her , and , though the whole situation was absurd and preposterous , he resolved to surrender 他看見了眼前這個傷心的姑娘,他明白要說服她和她的丈夫是不可能的。盡管事情整個兒地荒唐可笑,他仍然決定投降。

She came to realize the futility of one person trying to help the suffering of humanity , and recognized that the best way to help people was to attain total realization herself 她體認到要幫助眾生最好的方法就是自己要完全開悟,所以一心向道,開始到許多國家旅行,尋找可以令人開悟的完美法門。

This mechanism may disguise the power distribution in social antagonism , but at the same time disclose the for ever futility of social pursuit of consistency and totalization 它可能掩飾了社會對立本質中權力的區隔運作,卻又在同時揭發了社會整合(的假象)中追求一致性真實的無謂與徒勞。

Nicholson , the living symbol of the lakers , was chatting it up with some friends . in walks clippers owner donald sterling , long considered the town ' s symbol of basketball futility 尼科爾森,湖人隊的解說員,聊到一些朋友。在說到快船隊老板唐納德時,就改城市籃球的象征做了一個長篇探討。

I have seen everything during my lifetime of futility ; there is a righteous man who perishes in his righteousness and there is a wicked man who prolongs his life in his wickedness 傳7 : 15有義人行義、反致滅亡有惡人行惡、倒享長壽這都是我在虛度之日中所見過的。

Acquiring discernment of great tao , futility of utility defends the sense of things with great power , and displays the manner with which zhuangzi confronted his time 無用之用就是通,是對道的通達,它以偉大力量守護物的意義;同時,它顯示了莊子與其時代的遭遇方式。

Having lived among the owning classes , he knew the utter futility of expecting any solution of the wage - squabble . there was no solution , short of death 他已經在占有階級中生活過,他知道希圖解決工資問題是多么徒勞夢想的事,除了死之外,是沒有解決的可能的。

Literature should not be in pursuit of utility in short term , but inherit and spread the national spirit , improve the soul of people , which is the futility of utility 文學教育不應該追求“當世之用” ,應該發揮其傳承民族精神、提升個體靈魂的“無用之用” 。

The futility of implementing standards without changing incentives can be seen in hong kong , malaysia , singapore , thailand , and china 單純地采用標準而不改變激勵機制是毫無用處的,香港、馬來西亞、新加坡、泰國和中國的經驗都證明了這一點。