
fustian n.1.粗斜紋布,緯起毛織物,緯起絨織物。2.夸大的話,...


His fustian shirt , sanguineflowered , trembles its spanish tassels at his secrets . m . drumont , famous journalist , drumont , know what he called queen victoria 德魯蒙111先生,著名的新聞記者德魯蒙,你知道他怎么稱呼維多利亞女王嗎

“ they flounder about between fustian in expression , and bathos in sentiment ” ( william hazlitt ) “他們陷入在口頭上夸夸其談,在感情上矯柔造作的泥潭之中” (威廉?哈茲里特) 。

They flounder about between fustian in expression , and bathos in sentiment ( william hazlitt 他們陷入在口頭上夸夸其談,在感情上矯柔造作的泥潭之中(威廉?哈茲里特) 。

Against the wall . face glistening tallow under her fustian shawl 她那粗斜紋布圍巾下面,閃爍著一張蒼白的臉。

The line is worth a hundred pages of fustian 這一行勝過一百頁浮華的文章。