
fusee n.1.耐風火柴。2.(鐵路等的)帶色閃光信號〔危險信號...

fusel oil

When we had fir d our second volley of our fusees , we thought they stopp d a little , and hop d they would have gone off ; but it was but a moment ; for others came forward again ; so we fir d two volleys of our pistols , and i believe in these four firings , we had kill d seventeen or eighteen of them , and lam d twice as many ; yet they came on again 于是我們馬上沖到那二十多只受傷狼跟前它們已跑不動了,只是在地上掙扎。我們拿起刀亂砍亂殺。正如我們所預期的那樣,這辦法果然很奏效,因為那些逃跑的狼聽到它們同伴的慘叫聲,知道事情不妙,就嚇得跑遠了,而且再也沒有回來。

Red fusee for motor vehicles 機動車用紅色閃光信號燈