
furtive adj.1.偷偷摸摸的,鬼鬼祟祟的。2.偷來的。短語和例...


Ask the bargainor provides reserved copy of lawful property right certificate above all , the authenticity that inquires property right card to room canal branch next and place buy origin of house property property right and property right record : include the house - owner , date that register , clinch a deal the price ; still need to affirm the integrality of bargainor property right in addition , what understanding buys a room to have mortgage , include furtive guaranty and mutual person to wait 首先要求賣方提供合法的產權證書正本,然后到房管部門查詢產權證的真實性以及所購房產產權來源和產權記錄:包括房主、登記日期、成交價格等;此外還需要確認賣方產權的完整性,了解所購房有沒有抵押,包括私下抵押以及共有人等。

She wondered ; then she was just a grain troubled ; next a dim suspicion came and went - came again ; she watched ; a furtive glance told her worlds - and then her heart broke , and she was jealous , and angry , and the tears came and she hated everybody 她搞不清這是怎么回事,接著她有點兒慌張,然后隱隱約約又有點懷疑,很快疑慮消除了跟著又懷疑起來。她注視了他一會兒,當看到湯姆偷偷地瞟了新來的女孩子一眼時,這才恍然大悟于是她心碎了,忌妒了,非常惱火,跟著眼淚也流了出來。

The next instant he was out , and “ going on “ like an indian ; yelling , laughing , chasing boys , jumping over the fence at risk of life and limb , throwing handsprings , standing on his head - doing all the heroic things he could conceive of , and keeping a furtive eye out , all the while , to see if becky thatcher was noticing 他叫著,笑著,你追我趕,甚至不顧摔斷手腳,冒著生命危險跳過柵欄,前后翻個不停或者拿大頂。總之,凡是他能想到的逞能事情,他都做了。他一邊做,一邊偷眼看看貝基撒切爾是不是看見了這一切。

So his rather prominent pale eyes had a queer look , furtive , and yet a little cruel , so cold : and at the same time , almost impudent . it was a very odd look , this look of impudence : as if he were triumphing over life in spite of life 因此他的有點突出的兩只灰色的眼睛,顯怪異的,詭秘,卻有點殘暴,冷酷而同時差不多又是無忌憚的,這種無忌憚的神氣是奇特的,好象他不怕生命如休強悍,而他卻戰勝著生命似的。

He worshipped this new angel with furtive eye , till he saw that she had discovered him ; then he pretended he did not know she was present , and began to “ show off “ in all sorts of absurd boyish ways , in order to win her admiration 他愛慕這位新來的天使并偷眼望她,直到看到她發現他為止。然后,他裝著她好像不在的樣子,開始用各種各樣可笑的孩子氣的方法來炫耀自己,為的是贏得她的好感。

Martin dispensed royal largess , inviting everybody up , farm - hands , a stableman , and the gardener s assistant from the hotel , the barkeeper , and the furtive hobo who slid in like a shadow and like a shadow hovered at the end of the bar 馬丁出手闊綽,請大家都喝:幾個農場幫工一個馬夫旅館花匠的下手酒店老板,還有一個像幽靈一樣溜進來像幽靈一樣在柜臺一頭游蕩的。偷偷摸摸的流浪漢。

With his mailed gauntlet he brushed away a furtive tear and was overheard by those privileged burghers who happened to be in his immediate entourage to murmur to himself in a faltering undertone 他伸出有著鎖子甲的防護長手套,悄然抹掉一滴淚。 231那些有幸站在他身邊的隨行人員聽見他低聲喃喃自語著:

This article examines the backgrounds , contents and influences of both movements through a furtive glance to the development in confucianism of the tang dynasty 本文即從兩次復古運動的背景、內容及影響方面探尋,以窺探唐代儒學發展之一隅,同時探詢唐代儒學的走向規律。

By and by attention ceased from him , and the accustomed school murmur rose upon the dull air once more . presently the boy began to steal furtive glances at the girl 漸漸地,大家的注意力不再集中在湯姆身上,學校里慣有的低沉的讀書聲重新在那沉悶的空氣中響起。

He stood a moment unseeing by the cold black marble bowl while before him and behind two worshippers dipped furtive hands in the low tide of holy water 他兩眼發花,在冰涼的黑色大理石圣水缽旁邊佇立片刻。在他前后各有一位信徒,悄悄地用手蘸了蘸淺淺的圣水。

Bearing others ' disdain and mistrust with simmering rage , they skulk back to their shadowy schemes and furtive activities 承擔著其他部族飽含沸騰一般狂怒的輕蔑和猜疑,他們偷偷摸摸地繼續自己見不得光的圖謀和鬼鬼祟祟的行動。

Although ginny weasley went to the yule ball with neville longbottom , she cast furtive glances at harry , hoping not to be detected 雖然金妮和奈威連袂參加耶誕舞會,但她偷偷瞥了哈利一眼,希望別人沒有瞧見。

It can let you through a simple set of automatic shooting se p800 900 more photos , more suitable for furtive ah 通過簡單的設定就可以讓你的se p800 900自動的拍攝多張照片了,比較適合偷拍啊

Calling encouraging words he shambles back with a furtive poacher s tread , dogged by the setter into a dark stalestunk corner 親切地招呼著,像一個鬼鬼祟祟的偷獵者似的蹣蹣跚跚地蜇回來。

Pry to look or inquire closely , curiously , or inquisitively , often in a furtive manner ; snoop 窺探,密切地好奇地或過分好奇地看或打聽,經常是以一種偷偷摸摸的方式進行打探

Clare arose in the light of a dawn that was ashy and furtive , as though associated with crime 黎明的晨光一片慘淡,時明時暗,仿佛跟犯罪有了牽連,克萊爾在這時候起了床。

His eyes were bloodshot , and he had a curiously furtive way of avoiding one ' s glance 他的眼睛布滿了血絲,并且他使用一種非常奇怪隱秘的方式來逃避別人的眼睛。

George can indeed shed a furtive tear that we will not see kitty ' s likes again 喬治的確可以掉一滴傷心之淚,因為我們再也不可能見到基蒂這樣的好人了。

He looked at her with a furtive apprehension in his rather prominent pale eyes 他的灰色的有點突出的眼睛,向她望著,表示著幾分不安。