
furtherance n.助長,促進,推動。


With the tendencies of a consolidating globalization and economic integration , the furtherance of multilateral trade mechanism and the consistent effort taken by countries in opening up to the world , many new circumstances and features in the dumping and anti - dumping field have emerged into world ' s attention 在當代世界經濟全球化和一體化趨勢不斷加強、多邊貿易體制發展完善、各國對外開放持續拓展的條件下,國際經濟中的傾銷和反傾銷出現了很多新情況新特征。

This study report ( “ study report “ ) has been commissioned by the hong kong arts development council ( “ the council “ ) from the centre for cultural policy research of the university of hong kong as an independent , academic financial study for the purpose only of reference by the public in relation to the west kowloon cultural district project ( “ the project “ ) and is intended by the council as an introduction to the project and for the assistance and furtherance of general information only 本學術財務評估報告“本評估報告”是由香港藝術發展局“藝發局”委托香港大學文化政策研究中心寫成。本評估報告是一份獨立的學術財務評估報告書,僅供公眾人士就西九龍文娛藝術區發展計劃“該計劃”作參考之用,并旨在作為該計劃的簡介及對一般資料的補充。

Legislative modifications should generally be technologically neutral , avoiding the situation where they are based on or assume a certain type of technology or level of technological development ; reflect the fact that illegal activity in cyberspace is likely to be undertaken across jurisdictions , such as by recognizing extraterritorial acts in furtherance of an offence and the need to cooperate across borders ; and respect individuals reasonable expectations of privacy 一般來說,修訂法例時,我們應( a )在技術層面上保持中立,避免奠基于或設定于某種科技或某個科技發展層面之上; ( b )反映網上非法活動往往跨越司法區域這個實況,加跨境合作,對付在治外區域發生的相關犯罪行為;以及( c )尊重個人在私隱方面的合理要求。

This is a genuine concern but can be overcome by staff asking questions which are apparently in furtherance of promoting the services of the financial institution or satisfying customer needs , but which will solicit replies to the questions above without putting the customer on his , or her , guard 金融機構的職員只要向客戶提出一些問題,而這些問題看來都是為了向客戶推介服務或滿足其需要而提出的,均可令他們放下戒心,并取得如上文所述問題的答案。

In furtherance of this choice , it so happened that a ship lay in the harbour ; one of those questionable cruisers , frequent at that day , which , without being absolutely outlaws of the deep , yet roamed over its surface with a remarkable irresponsibility of character 促使他們作出這一抉擇的,還因為剛好有一條船停在港灣這是那年月中時常有的一種形跡可疑的航船,雖說在深海中并非絕對地非法,卻是帶有極不負責任的性質在海面上游蕩的。

It will advise the government on the strategies , programmes , and measures for the attainment and furtherance of the goals and objectives set out in its digital 21 strategy , the blueprint for information and communications technology development in hong kong 該委員會就達致和促進數碼21資訊科技策略所訂定的目標而推行的策略、計劃及措施,向政府提出意見。數碼21資訊科技策略是政府發展本地資訊及通訊科技的藍圖。

With the deepening of china ' s reform and the furtherance of its opening up , especially of china ' s accession to the world trade organization , economic and trade contacts between china and united states will play an even bigger role in the development of their bilateral relations 隨著中國深入改革和擴大開放進程的發展,特別是中國加入世貿組織后,經貿關系在中美關系發展中將發揮更大的作用。

Deals with staff relations ; consultation with staff associations and matters affecting morale ; provides guidance to district and divisional staff in furtherance of harmonious staff relations ; and manages the problem of indebtedness of some police officers 處理職員關系及就對士氣有所影響的事項諮詢員工協會;向區和分區人員提供指引,促進良好職員關系;并負責處理部分警務人員負債的問題。

The spc recognised that internally , our shared goals and values , unique strength in a number of disciplines and quality staff , when facilitated by a supportive council , collegiality and team spirit , will drive the furtherance of our business 委員會認為,本校上下一致的目標、價值觀、在某些學術范疇的專長、優秀的教職員,配合校董會的支持和校內各級衷誠合作,必可使校務拓展更上層樓。

Pursuant to sections 7 and 14 of the ordinance , the council shall have the power to do all such things as are necessary for , or incidental or conducive to , or connected with , the furtherance of the university s functions 根據條例第7條及第14條,大學有權為貫徹執行其職能而作出一切所需或附帶的事情,或作出一切有助于貫徹執行其職能或與該目的相關的事情,尤可: a

Article 4 organizational guideline sports contests must be organized in the interests of the people ' s physical and mental health , of the furtherance of physical culture and of the building up of the ethical and cultural progress under socialism 第四條(舉辦原則)舉辦體育競賽,應當有益于人民群眾的身心健康,有利于體育事業發展,有利于社會主義精神文明建設。

A total number of 1 , 208 , 000 viewers were recorded for this show and the pco received a tremendous number of enquiries after the show , which reflected the furtherance of awareness of the public in regards to personal data privacy 當晚收看該節目的觀眾高達一百二十多萬人,公署在節目播出后亦收到甚多查詢,進一步證明市民對個人資料私隱的關注及理解已有所提高。

The executive committee has the power to donate at its absolute discretion any sums from the association s funds to the school for the purpose of granting scholarships or prizes , or otherwise in furtherance of the aims of the association 執行委員會有絕對酌情決定權決定由本會經費捐獻任何款項予學校,作頒發獎學金或獎勵之用,或推動本會達成其宗旨。

Well , i feigned courtship of miss ingram , because i wished to render you as madly in love with me as i was with you ; and i knew jealousy would be the best ally i could call in for the furtherance of that end “好吧,我假意向英格拉姆小姐求婚,因為我希望使你發瘋似他同我相受,就象我那么愛你一樣,我明白,嫉妒是為達到目的所能召喚的最好同盟軍。 ”

“ this new office takes on a new modern look . with a more spacious public hall , it provides added comfort to customers . it contributes to the furtherance of our corporate purpose - linking people , delivering business , “ added mr . chiang 蔣任宏續說:新油塘郵政局設計新穎,服務大堂寬敞,環境舒適,再一次展現香港郵政傳心意遞商機的目標。

Company strength , management norms , the rapid development in furtherance of “ good faith - based , not for profit , but to satisfy “ the purpose of providing the most reliable and dedicated customers , the most efficient service 公司實力雄厚、管理規范、發展迅速,秉承“誠信為本,不求暴利,但求滿意”的宗旨,竭誠為客戶提供最可靠、最快捷的服務。

However , its greenhouse warming potential ( gwp ) is relatively high among the newly developed hydroflourocarbons ( hfcs ) , which seems to be an obstacle for the furtherance of the use of r - 134a , especially in european countries 然而,在新近發展的hfcs類物質中,它的gwp值相對較高,這就阻礙了它的進一步使用,特別是在歐洲國家。

In the foregoing survey of the modes of employing laboring furtherance of production , i have made little use of the popular distinction of industry into agricultural , manufacturing , and commercial 第九節上面考察了運用勞動促進生產的各種方式,在這種考察中,我幾乎未采用通常的分類方法,沒有把產業分為農業、工業和商業三大類。

In furtherance of our hong kong policy , we have negotiated bilateral agreements in areas appropriate to hong kong s autonomy , such as extradition , mutual legal assistance , prisoner transfer , and air services 我們在這些與其他領域的努力已使我們的業界代表、科學家、法律專家與學者聚一堂,不論是本人前來或是在網際網路上交談。