
furore n.〔意大利語〕1.= furor.2.【音樂】熱烈,激...


In most instances , little is heard after the initial furore has subsided , and some observers may feel skeptical that the alarm was either false , or that the lack of follow - on information indicates lack of action by those responsible in either the public and or private sectors 但對大多數的有害物質來說,在最初的騷動過去之后我們就很少再聽到它的消息。這讓一些觀眾覺得要么是這些預警發生了錯誤,要么就是官方或者私人的負責部門沒有采取進一步行動去獲得信息。

British - born researcher john philippe rushton , who previously created a furore by suggesting intelligence is influenced by race , says the finding could explain why so few women make it to the top in the workplace 英國籍研究員約翰?菲利普?魯什頓此前提出的“智商受到種族影響“的觀點一時引發眾怒,他說,這項最新研究結果可以解釋為什么很少有女性能成為職場精英。

British - born researcher john philippe rushton , who previously created a furore by suggesting intelligence is influenced by race , says the finding could explain why so few women make it to the top in the workplace 英國籍研究員約翰菲利普魯什頓此前提出的“智商受到種族影響“的觀點一時引發眾怒,他說,這項最新研究結果可以解釋為什么很少有女性能成為職場精英。

Its introduction into china from myanmar during the qing dynasty caused much furore among art connoisseurs and has since been known as the king of jade throughout the world 翡翠在玉石家族中的優越地位使其擁有“玉石之王”的美譽。幾乎所有優的翡翠均產于緬甸。 18世紀,緬甸大量開采翡翠并傳入中國。緬甸出產的翡翠加上中國的雕工使得翡翠傳揚世界。

In spite of the furore this year in the us and europe about the safety of china - made goods , the survey also shows that chinese consumers are increasingly confident about the quality of products made in their country 盡管今年中國產品安全問題在歐美國家引發爭議,但該項調查仍然顯示,中國消費者對本土產品質量越來越有信心。

As the furore over his assertions intensified , senior representatives of dr watson ' s us research centre , cold spring harbor laboratory , sought to distance themselves from his claims 隨著詹姆斯的觀點越來越受人關注,美國冷泉港實驗室沃森博士美國研究中心的一些資深代表們設法與他的言論劃清距離。

But this grown - up realism has been lost in the furore over pre - charge detention , which has again become a totemic but needless test of the government ' s strength 但是,這種成熟的現實主義已經迷失在預先指控的監禁的狂熱中,而這種監禁又再次成為對英國政府力量的意義重大但卻不必要的考驗。

United were hoping to keep the confirmation of the transfer quiet until the furore died down and the deal will not be officially declared until the middle of next week 曼聯希望這個轉會能夠安靜地進行,而官方也不會就這個轉會作任何說明,直到下個周中。

He turned to the huge bundle of clippings which had come in from his press bureau , and read about himself and his vogue , which had become a furore 他又轉向一大捆由各編輯部寄來的剪報。他讀到有關自己和圍繞自己所形成的風尚的消息。那風尚已成了狂熱。

Mikel , meanwhile , has confirmed his intention to make an immediate impact at stamford bridge following the furore which clouded his move to chelsea 與此同時,伴隨著初來切爾西時的興奮,米克爾確信自己會馬上為斯坦福橋帶來變化

Maddison has signed an exclusive media deal and contracted an experienced celebrity agent since the furore broke 在引起轟動以后,馬迪森已經簽署了獨家媒體處理,并和知名企業簽訂了合同。

The sensitivity of the question was shown last year by a furore at harvard university 這個問題的敏感性可以從去年哈佛大學的那場風波中窺見一斑。

The sensitivity of the question was shown last year by a furore at harvard university 這個問題的敏感性可以通過去年哈佛大學的那場風波窺見一斑。

Recent developments at glaxo have been overshadowed by the furore surrounding avandia 葛蘭素公司的近期發展因文迪雅事件而黯然失色。

His last novel created a furore among the critics 他的最近一部小說在評論家中引起了轟動