
furniture n.〔集合詞〕1.家具,器具。2.設備,裝修。3.附屬品...


She bumped into the furniture and kept mumbling about the guests . 她東倒西歪地撞到家俱上,嘴里不斷對客人咕咕噥噥。

Their tattered clothing and broken furniture indicated their poverty . 他們襤褸的衣服和破爛的家具顯出他們的貧窮。

They picked up most of the furniture at auctions in country towns . 他們大部分的家具都是在鄉村鎮上的拍賣處買的。

She bumped into the furniture and kept mumbling about the guests . 她撞在家具上,并且不停地咕咕噥噥地議論客人。

Some of the furniture in this old house has been gnawed away by rats . 這所老房子里的一些家具已經被老鼠嗑壞了。

He whistled softly, surveying the mess of disarranged furniture . 他輕輕地吹著口哨,眼睛環視著凌亂不堪的家具。

Her girls had more milliner's furniture than they had ever enjoyed before . 她的女兒們在衣著方面也比以前講究。

Give the furniture a rub with the dust cloth before the guests arrive . 在客人到達以前,用抹布把家具擦一擦!

Even the furniture remained the same jumble that it had always been . 甚至家具還是象過去一樣雜亂無章。

We have spent all day humping furniture up and down stairs . 我們花了一整天的時間樓上樓下地搬運家具。

They were able to save enough of their furniture to fill a room . 他們能省出的家具足夠裝滿一間屋子。

The furniture is hideous . 家具很粗俗。

It is a good piece of furniture and i want to give value for value . 這件家具不錯,我愿按價付款。

He and his staff began throwing furniture out of the window . 他和他的伙計開始向窗外投擲家具。

The plant was dismantled of all its equipment and furniture . 這家工廠的設備和家俱全被拆除了。

I wish you would take three quarters of the household furniture . 我愿意你把家具拿走四分之三。

They scored the floor-boards by pushing furniture about . 他們推動家具,在地板上留下了劃痕。

The house was full of costly, but very vulgar furniture . 房子里擺滿了最貴但俗不可耐的家俱。

He and his staffs began throwing furniture out of the window . 他和店員們開始向窗外扔家具。