
furnish vt.1.供給,供應,提供。2.裝備,布置,裝修(房屋)...


The value of fire-resistive furnishing in decreasing the number of ignition points was also demonstrated in the tests . 在試驗中也進行了關于不怕火的室內裝飾物以對降低起火點作用的試驗。

There is a kind of justice which aims neither at the amendment of the criminal, nor at furnishing an example to others . 有一種正義,它的目的,不在糾正犯罪的人,不在對別人起模范作用。

Bodies connected to each other by certain energy storage or energy dissipation devices furnish additional examples . 用某種能量存儲或散逸裝置相互連接的物體則是這種情況的另一例子。

We struggled to furnish what economic and military aid for south vietnam and cambodia was obtainable from congress . 我們曾力爭從國會手中多得到點經濟和軍事援助,交給南越和柬埔寨。

There was a covered piazza behind the house furnished with a swing which was a source of tremulous interest . 屋后是一條有屋頂的走廓,走廊上有一個秋千架,這是驚險有趣的玩意兒。

Sewall wright has furnished a theoretical basis for calculating the effects of isolation by distance . 對于計算因距離而產生的隔離效果,賽沃爾勞埃特已經提供了理論上的根據。

The lab was furnished with two worn wooden benches, set close together to make the most of available space . 實驗室里有兩張破舊的木質工作臺,為充分利用空間,靠得很近。

The superb nazi war plants were likely to furnish the lunatic fuhrer with enough u-235 bombs . 納粹的那些設備精良的軍用工廠很可能會向那瘋狂的元首提供足夠的U-235炸彈。

I am going on to tell you how the weather furnished me and idaho green with an elegant education . 我現在要告訴你的是,氣象如何向我和艾達荷格林提供了良好的教育。

We furnish some of the results and highlight the specific features that can be employed for fault detection . 我們提供某些結果,并概述可以用于故障探測的某些特征。

It was exciting that a man should be in the ring with and dominate such an animal furnished the emotion . 令人驚嘆的是人與獸竟同場對陣而人能從容不迫地駕馭獸。

The bible furnished him and his contemporaries with images and illustrations to suit every occasion . 圣經為他和同代人物提供了適用于每一場合的人物和實例。

The same scenes furnished by these two pens might have been sketched in different hemispheres . 由這兩支筆描繪的同一景象就象是在地球不同的兩面畫出的速寫。

The brown-panelled parlour was furnished all in old style, and with real old furniture . 這間裝有褐色鑲板的客廳,一切擺設都古香古色,都是真正的古老家具。

We ask that any one refusing to give personal service or to furnish arms shall meet the punishment of death . 誰拒絕供職或提供武器,我們要求判處他死刑。

The ups and downs of the rival parties furnished subjects for two excellent cartoons . 敵對兩黨之盛衰給兩幅最優秀的漫畫提供了題材。

I thought it right to furnish the fullest explanations to our sister government . 我認為,應當對我們的兄弟政府提出詳盡的解釋。

A small recording accelerometer in the model furnishes data on its behavior . 模型中裝有小型加速器用以記錄其運動狀態的數據。

Fresh-water lakes and streams furnish nearly all of our surface water supplies . 我們所用的地表水幾乎全由淡水湖和河流供給。