
furl vt.,vi.卷收(風帆等),收(傘),拉攏(窗簾);卷...


This paper analyses the material compose and the structure character of asphalt mixture , then calculates the function relation among asphalt , mixture and road performance , based on this , it puts up linear furl of the upon function relation , moreover , we developed the asphalt mixture design software under the delphi 5 development environment , the main function is to get high quality and cheap asphalt mixture , in the end , it offering a certain design of asphalt mixture and it reaches the same conclusion as spot observation 論文在分析瀝青混合料的材料組成和結構特性的基礎上,分別考慮瀝青與混合料路用性能,集料與混合料路用性能的函數關系,在此基礎上進行線性疊加,并使用delphi5 . 0版本的程序設計軟件開發了瀝青混合料配合比優化設計軟件,對瀝青混合料的配合比從技術經濟方面得到最優化設計。研究同時以實驗結果作為案例分析,得到了比較滿意的結果。

A sofa upholstered in prune plush had been translocated from opposite the door to the ingleside near the compactly furled union jack an alteration which he had frequently intended to execute : the blue and white checker inlaid majolicatopped table had been placed opposite the door in the place vacated by the prune plush sofa : the walnut sideboard a projecting angle of which had momentarily arrested his ingress had been moved from its position beside the door to a more advantageous but more perilous position in front of the door : two chairs had been moved from right and left of the ingleside to the position originally occupied by the blue and white checker inlaid majolicatopped table 一把深紫紅色長毛絨面沙發從門對面被搬到爐邊那面卷得緊緊的英國國旗近旁這是他曾多次打算要做的變動。那張嵌有籃白棋盤格子花紋的馬略爾卡203瓷面桌子,被安放在深紫紅色長毛絨面沙發騰出后的空處。胡桃木餐具柜是它那凸出來的犄角一時擋住了他往里走著的腳步從門旁的位置被挪到更便當卻更危險正對著門的位置去了。

Mr fogg , in order not to deviate from his course , furled his sails and increased the force of the steam ; but the vessel s speed slackened , owing to the state of the sea , the long waves of which broke against the stern 這真是“急行船偏遇打頭風” 。福克先生為了使船不離開原來的航線,只好卷起船帆,加大馬力前進。由于海上氣候的變化,無論如何,航行的速度總是減低了。

In less than an hour he left the rudder and furled his sails , whilst the sledge , carried forward by the great impetus the wind had given it , went on half a mile further with its sails unspread 實際上還不到一點鐘,這位老練的駕駛員已經放下舵把,趕忙收起白帆卷成一卷。這時雪橇仍在疾速前進,在沒有張帆的情況下又走了半英里路,最后它停下來了。

It made the boy sad to see the old man come in each day with his skiff empty and he always went down to help him carry either the coiled lines or the gaff and harpoon and the sail that was furled around the mast 孩子看見老人每天回來時船總是空的,感到很難受,他總是走下岸去,幫老人拿卷起的釣索,或者魚鉤和魚叉,還有繞在桅桿上的帆。

Due to the room limitationand the overload in the stage of launch , space arms are commonly furled , at the same time , a special locking device is applied to protect it 考慮到運載空間的限制以及發射過程中承受的巨大載荷,在發射階段機械臂通常呈收攏狀態,并采用一套專門的鎖緊裝置來確保發射過程免受損壞。

“ that was not enough for those latitudes , “ said the englishman ; “ i should have taken four reefs in the topsails and furled the spanker . “在那種緯度的地方這樣做是不夠的, ”那英國人說道。 “如果是我,我就把頂帆放四隔,把尾帆扯落。 ”

Answer : blow a paint film with keen penknife , if not disintegrate , do not stick in case , can furl naturally , think flexibility is good namely 答:用銳利的小刀刮下一塊漆膜,若不碎裂、不粘在起,能自然卷起,即認為彈性良好。

A larger un flag , which measured 180 cm by 120cm and weighing 330 grams , was also carried on board but remained furled 飛船還載了一面未展示的大號聯合國國旗,長180厘米,寬120厘米,重約330克。

The sea of faith was once , too , at the full , and round earth ' s shore lay like the folds of a bright girdle furl ' d 信仰的海洋從前也曾經飽滿,把大地環抱,像一條光亮的腰帶連接成一氣。

The sail was patched with flour sacks and , furled , it looked like the flag of permanent defeat 那面帆上補了一些面粉袋,收起來的時候,看去真像一面標志著永遠失敗的旗幟。

The sail was patched with flour sacks and , furled , it looked like the flag of permanent defeat 帆上用面粉袋片打了些補丁,收攏后看來象是一面標志著永遠失敗的旗子。

I ' ve had a basinful of bowler - hat and furled - umbrella parts 我老是演戴硬圓頂禮帽和攜帶雨傘的平民角色,實在是演膩了。

The sailors provided against the coming storm by furling all sails 水手們收起全部船帆,以防備即將來臨的暴風雨。

This fan doesn ' t furl neatly 這把扇子摺不上了

This umbrella doesn ' t furl neatly 這把傘卷得不整齊。

The ship continued to forge ahead after the sails were furled 卷帆以后,船繼續平穩而緩慢地前進。

This umbrella does n't furl neatly . 這把傘收不整齊。