
furcation n.分叉。


Disservice with natural plant essence , vitamin , water solution protein etc . , dual nourish and repair damaged hair , special can reduce because of already set enemy opponent hair cause , keep hair furcation frombreaking , increase the luster of the hair , make show the hair the meek floating ; the hair style nature is bright 產品說明:含天然植物精華、維他命、水解蛋白質等,雙重滋養及修復的頭發,特殊的配方可減少由于定型對頭發引起的傷害,防止頭發分叉斷裂,增加頭發的光澤,令秀發柔順飄逸;發型自然亮麗。

Efficacy : contain rich olive repairing ingredient to improve hair dryness and furcation , protect from heat harm from drier , care hair core , resotre health and vigor , and make it become fresh , fragrant and pleasant 功效:富含橄欖修護成份,改善頭發干枯、分叉,免受電吹風的熱傷害,由發芯精心修護,恢復秀發的健康活力;清新淡香,舒爽怡人。

Cases of furcation that involve particular anatomical configurations , i . e . , interradicular root proximity / fusion , have long been considered relative contraindications for treatments such as root amputation or hemisection 在面對根岔侵犯并加上牙根合并或緊鄰的問題時,牙根切除術或牙齒切半術,在傳統上均被視為禁忌。

The purpose of this article was to report the clinical significance of the interradicular root relationship in regenerating intrabony defects associated with furcations 本文將討論不同的牙根解剖關系,在治療根岔處垂直骨缺損時所扮演的重要性。