
funerary adj.(有關)殯葬的。 a funerary urn ...


There are numbers of funerary objects in tombs of tang and song dynasty in baotaping , and this thesis gives the division of types and patterns and the introduction about china 、 pottery and bronze ware in detail , and that also gives the brief introduction about ironware 、 stoneware 、 coins 、 woodenware 、 silverware and some others . where after , the chronological conjecture about most china 、 pottery and bronze ware is showed by the method of analogical research , at the same time , the investigation about the producing area of china is given , too 本文就前三次的發掘材料對寶塔坪墓地的唐宋墓葬進行了初步的研究,針對出土器物和墓葬分別在型式劃分、年代推測、分期、墓葬布局等幾個方面進行了分析,此后,又重點對寶塔坪墓地及峽江其他地區唐宋時期的土洞墓進行了探討。

Morgon , the anthropologist , said that the objects a person regarded as most valuable in his lifetime would be buried as funerary objects along with the person when he died so that he would continue to enjoy them in the underworld 以軍陣為陪葬品是秦陵園葬俗方面的一個創設。正如里根夫人在參觀后所說: “ 6000多個兵馬俑排列成戰斗隊形保護陵墓的主人,這實在難以置信。 ”

The mental foundation of appearance of funerary wares originats from the idea of ghost ' s foreverness , whose funerary fashion provides the material foundation for the appearance of funerary wares and then gradually evolves into a kind of custom 明器產生的思想基礎源于原始人相信“靈魂不死”的觀念,其喪葬的形式,又為明器的產生提供了物質基礎,直至演化成一種習俗。

Alessandro delfino , another archaeologist who took part in the excavations , said monday ' s discovery highlighted a “ social change “ in the funerary habits of the people who dwelled in the area , from incinerating to burying the dead 參與發掘工作的另外一位考古學家還表示,這一發現說明了生活在該地區的古羅馬人殯葬習慣的“社會變遷” ,從將尸體火化到直接埋葬死者。

Alessandro delfino , another archaeologist who took part in the excavations , said monday ' s discovery highlighted a “ social change “ in the funerary habits of the people who dwelled in the area , from incinerating to burying the dead 參與發掘工作的另外一位考古學家還表示,這一發現說明了生活在該地區的古羅馬人殯葬習慣的“社會變遷” ,從將尸體火化到直接埋葬死者。

This bronze age burial site features more than 30 granite burial cairns , providing a unique insight into the funerary practices and social and religious structures of northern europe more than three millennia ago 考古學家在塞姆奧拉德恩麥基青銅時代遺址發現了30個花崗巖石冢,這些石冢為研究三千年前北歐地區的安葬習慣和社會宗教結構提供了獨一無二的證明。

In ancient china , the afterlife was conceived as a continuation of life on earth . to provide for the needs of the afterlife , a variety of mortuary objects also known as funerary objects or burial objects were buried with the dead 中國古時人們相信人死后靈魂不死,并往另一世界繼續生活,因而生產大量各式各類的器物用作隨葬,這些器物亦稱作明器冥器。

Unlike the romans , the barbarians did not build for posterity , and their story is told principally through displays of funerary jewellery and weaponry , with the odd cooking pot thrown in 蠻族不像羅馬人,他們不會為子孫后代建造自己的王國,而且他們的歷史主要是通過埋葬的珠寶與武器(并外加一些烹飪用的壺罐)來讓人們講述的。

The funerary experienced many many years , recorded the agriculture , science , architecture , social life and so on , embody the esthetics fashion and culture condition of every phrase 明器歷經各個歷史時期的發展演變,記錄了各個歷史時期的農業、科學、建筑、社會生活等多方面的內容,體現了各個時代的審美風尚和社會文化狀況。

Supported by the confucian school of idealist philosophy of the song dynasty , jun porcelain , the symbol of the highest royal right , naturally stands in the royal court , and can ' t be used as a funerary object 在宋理學思想的支持下,最高的王室權力象征? ?鈞瓷,便自然而然地雄踞朝廷,不能入土隨葬,自取滅亡了。

The bronze , lead , pottery and wooden figurines unearthed in hunan , shaanxi , henan and hebei show that funerary figures began to appear in the period before the qin dynasty was founded 從河南信陽湖南長沙山西長治,河南洛陽和輝縣,河北易縣等地出土的銅鉛陶木等各種人物俑可以看出,俑在先秦時期已經出現。

Why weren ' t the supposed writings of abraham ( which were actually common funerary texts dating much later than the time abraham was claimed to have lived ) also taken similarly back 為什麼應該是亞伯拉罕的書寫紀錄(實際上是普通的葬禮文字,所定出的年代比亞伯拉罕活著的時代晚很多)就沒有同樣地被拿回去?

Seneb , one such revered dwarf , lived in the 4th or early 5th dynasty in giza . he was the overseer of the palace dwarfs , the chief of the royal wardrobe and priest of the funerary cults of khufu 斯尼布身兼數職,他既是宮殿建設工程的監工,又是王室戲裝保管的負責人,還是主持法老胡夫葬禮和祭祀的牧師。

Although less than one pound was normally used in israelite funerary preparations , nicodemus brought “ a mixture of myrrh and aloes , about a hundred pounds “ to prepare jesus ' s body for burial 盡管以色列人用于葬禮的沒藥不足一磅,尼哥底姆卻帶來“大約一百磅的沒和蘆薈混合物”去準備耶穌肉體的葬禮。

Cairo - egyptian archaeologists have discovered the funerary remains of a doctor who lived more than 4 000 years ago , including his mummy , sarcophagus and bronze surgical instruments 開羅-埃及考古學家還發現了陪葬品仍然是一個醫生,住了4000多年前,包括他的木乃伊,石棺,青銅器及手術器械

Early this year , a funerary urn that contained human ashes , as well as bone fragments that appeared to be from a sheep , were found in one of the necropolis “ tombs 在今年早些時候,在該墓地的其中一個墓穴里還發現了一個裝有人類骨灰的骨灰缸和一些看似是羊的骨骼碎片。

Early this year , a funerary urn that contained human ashes , as well as bone fragments that appeared to be from a sheep , were found in one of the necropolis ' tombs 在今年早些時候,在該墓地的其中一個墓穴里還發現了一個裝有人類骨灰的骨灰缸和一些看似是羊的骨骼碎片。

With traces of gilding not only shows that elaborate funerary practices prevailed in the tang period , but also reveals the marvellous imagination of the potters 這對天王俑上有金片殘痕,可想見當時唐代厚葬風氣之盛,與及陶匠豐富的想像力。

The capital of the old kingdom of egypt has some extraordinary funerary monuments , including rock tombs , ornate mastabas , temples and pyramids 這處令人嘆為觀止的墓葬群遺址坐落在古埃及王國首都的周圍,包括巖石墓、石雕墓,廟宇和金字塔。