
fundament n.1.臀部,肛門。2.基礎,基本原理。


Municipal public utilities , the typical natural monopoly industries , are the fundament to survival and development for cities . they are closely related to economic growth and people ' s quality of life 城市公用事業是典型的自然壟斷產業,是一個城市賴以生存和發展的基礎,與社會生產和人民生活息息相關。

To be more specific , 1 、 summarize fundaments and normal steps of quantum process tomography , and make a qualitative contrast between quantum process tomography and system identification 具體如下, 1 、對量子過程層析的基本原理和一般步驟進行了歸納總結,并對量子過程層析和系統辨識進行了定性比較。

In china investment funds industry has also grown up in fairly high speed with the support of all - favorable funds policies , after the fundament of the first security investment fund 自1998年3月我國第一只證券投資基金金泰成立以來,我國基金業在各種有利于基金政策的支持下得到了極為快速的成長。

Methods the literatures about the applied status and opinion of the modality applied in the surgical treatment of the colorectal cancer and fundament investigation in recent years were collected and reviewed 方法收集近年國內、外有關結直腸外科領域快速流程建設及基礎研究的相關文獻并作綜述。

In addition , increased spending on infrastructure projects and tax concessions will all effectively contribute to our fundaments in restoring investors confidence in the medium to long term 再加上積極的基建投資,實行減稅措施,都為恢復中長期的投資信心,提供了最主要、最有效的根本條件。

The 21st century is an age that urgently need characteristic talents . the fundament for individual education already becoming the guide thought in educating development and reform in all over the world 21世紀是個性人才急需的時代。個性教育已經成為世界各國教育發展與改革的基本指導思想。

The sociology problems are based on respective humanity theory . laws should confirm correct human theory as fundament and guideline for either articles of laws or legal principles 社會學問題都具有各自的人性理論基礎,法律無論從條文或法理的層面都應該確立正確的人性理論作為基礎和指引。

Based on the simplified fundament and effective method , reference to the arrangement of the actuator placement and the control voltage can be offered to the composite adaptive structure 該方法原理簡明、計算效率高,可為板殼型自適應結構的作動器鋪層位置設計和控制電壓分布設計提供依據。

In this paper , starting from the fundament theories for the description of the spontaneous emission , the property of spontaneous emission of a two - level atom embedded in photonic crystals was first investigated 本文先從一般理論出發,對光子晶體中兩能級原子的自發輻射特性進行了研究。

Vibration control is aimed at restraining harmful vibration in virtue of various dynamics fundaments base on objects “ character , working environment and control requirements 所謂振動控制,就是針對控制對象的性質、工作環境和控制要求,運用各種力學原理來減小對結構有害的振動效應。

Deep and clear understanding of singularities of parallel mechanisms is the fundament to reduce or eliminate the effect of singularity and improve the performance of parallel mechanisms 對并聯機構奇異位形的特性進行深入的研究是減小和消除奇異位形的影響,提高并聯機構性能的基礎。

The system control software is designed in assemble language based on the hardware fundament with using tms320f240 as core and a speed sensorless dtc algorithm is realised 在tms320f240為核心的硬件基礎上,采用匯編語言編制了系統控制軟件,實現了無速度傳感器直接轉矩控制算法。

Based on these features and varieties , it explores the possibility to obtain patent for fundament research achievement and analyses the effects form this obtainment 根據這些特點與變化,探討了基礎研究成果獲取專利的現實性和可能性,并對基礎研究成果獲取專利帶來的效應作出分析。

Structure model of online learning control for lane keeping system is designed . it provides the theoretical fundament for further study on online learning control in the future 并設計了車道保持系統在線學習控制結構模型,為下一步實現真正的在線學習控制提供了理論基礎。

I start from the analysis of crowd because few have ever clarified the fundament of collective behavior . the crowd are not able to conclude and bear different opinions and doubts 提出了應對集群行為的模式后,最后進一步明確了大眾、傳媒、政府三方所應當承擔的責任。

The concept and characteristics of four fundament sdcp , which are continuous replenishment , close cooperation , coope ration and ordinary , are presented for illustration 給出了連續補給型、緊密協作型、協作型、一般型四種基本供需協作模式的概念、特點及適用場合。

This paper analyzes some of flue gas desulfurization in wet way , such as the fundament , the desire of desulfurizer , the type of desulfurization , technics and primary sweetener 摘要分析了濕法煙氣脫硫的基本原理、脫硫劑的要求、脫硫的類型、工藝和主要的設備。

The theoretic fundament of strategy alliance is the transaction cost economics and the organization management theory and competition strategy theory 風險投資企業戰略聯盟是本文研究的核心內容,其理論基礎是交易成本經濟學和組織管理理論以及競爭戰略理論。

Allgemeine genetik ist eine wissenschaft des gens und der variation zu forschen . wir hatten das fundament der zytologie , gen material , die regel des gens usw 普通遺傳學是一門研究遺傳和變異的科學。我們講了細胞學的基礎,遺傳物質,和遺傳的規律等等。