
fruity adj.1.果實狀的;有水果香味的;(葡萄酒)有葡萄味的...


The moist fruity christmas cake in a beautiful gold octagonal tin is decorated with glace cherries and nuts 潤滑的水果圣誕蛋糕,由冰糖櫻桃和果仁點綴著,裝在精美的八角錫罐中。

Aromatic : describes a simple , often fruity smell or flavour present in young wine . see bouquet 芳香:口感強烈花香濃郁的葡萄品種,橡木陳年以及在酒瓶中的變化而產生的香味。

Service suggestion : kupferberg red is fruity and rich in content , appropriate to any occasion 配餐建議:庫葡菲堡紅是一款果味十足的起泡酒,適合于任何場合飲用的汽酒。

Luxurious and silky smooth alaska black cod steak garnished with a fruity - sweet cranberry sauce 如絲般嫩滑的阿拉斯加黑雪魚點綴著香甜的蔓越莓醬,呈現出奢華的體驗。

Note : the pattern of the repression machine and color you up to the same degree of fruity cream oh 注意:壓制圖案的機器顏色要和你放的果味奶油一致才行哦。

Click on the upper left mouse extrusion chocolate , and then shape up fruity cream suppress logo 鼠標點擊左上角擠出巧克力,然后成型放果味奶油壓制圖案。

Yellow - green in color , with fresh floral and fruity aromas that remind us of roses 清亮的黃綠色酒體。富含清新的玫瑰花香。回味清爽怡人,平衡感極佳。

Rich vitamin e in almond can nourish the skin and make your skin fruity and gloss 杏仁豐富的維生素e ,能對皮膚起到營養作用,讓您的肌膚更加豐盈亮澤。

Sweet wines are called rich when the sweetness is backed by fruity , ripe flavors 如果甜酒的甜味中含有水果香與成熟的滋味,通常就用這個詞來形容。

Intense ruby red colour with a strong fruity flavour particularly hints of plum and cherry 顏色呈深紅寶石色,果香濃郁,特別是李子和櫻桃香。

It opens with fruity notes of lychee melon , sparkling mandarin , white cherry and passion fruit 它以荔枝瓜,桔子,白色櫻桃和西番蓮子的水果開始

Fresh : lively , clean with fruity flavor , an important characteristic for young wines 新鮮:生動,干凈,果實香味,是新酒的一種重要特征。

[ junior ] oh , no , man . there go them dude in them tights again . he look fruity 噢!不,伙計們,又是那幫穿緊身褲的家伙他看起來傻死了

Junior oh , no , man . there go them dude in them tights again . he look fruity 噢!不,伙計們,又是那幫穿緊身褲的家伙他看起來傻死了

Lots of alively fruity kind of acidity distinctive aroma , spicy / smokey flavor good body 濃醇度,芳香帶濃厚果味,有香料和煙的香氣

It is light , , fruity aromatic and a perfect choice for ending a meal 它是口感輕淡,圓潤,芳香的,用于結束一頓飯完美的選擇。

Tutti - fucking - fruity 什錦干水果!

Floral and fruity notes , just enough spicy after maturing in vats 帶有濃郁的花香和水果香的味道,在大桶中發酵后口感略帶辛辣。

Sounds kind of fruity 聽起來真怪啊