
frostwork (窗上凍結的)霜花;(銀器等的)霜花紋裝飾。


This shortly brought them to a bewitching spring , whose basin was incrusted with a frostwork of glittering crystals ; it was in the midst of a cavern whose walls were supported by many fantastic pillars which had been formed by the joining of great stalactites and stalagmites together , the result of the ceaseless water - drip of centuries 不久他們就到了一個美妙的泉水旁,水底下石頭形似雪花狀玲瓏剔透,泉水位于石窟中間,四周石壁全由形狀奇特的柱子撐著,這些石柱是大鐘乳石和大石筍相連而構成的,是千萬年來水滴不息的結果。

Paper tree efflorescence : two slips hand over to stand mutually , sprinkling some water for it , will open a beautiful flower after a while , be like an a multicolored small ice frostwork 紙樹開花:兩個紙片相交站立,給它澆點水,過一會兒就會開出漂亮的花,像一個個五彩的小冰霜花