
fritillary n.1.【植物;植物學】貝母屬。2.【動物;動物學】豹紋...


The products of hypotensor tablets , lumbago tablets , naodesheng tablets , tablets for nourishing the blood and tranquilizing mind , compound radices platycodi cough drops , ningshenbuxin tablets , niuhaungjiudu tablets , compound tanshinon tablets , digestion - promoting pill , cholagogic and lithagogue tablets , sixiao pills , tablets for women ' s health and tranquilness , lingyang anti - cold tablets , sanhuang tablets , compound gongying tablets , angelica tablets , baby comfort tablet , high - calcium tablets , fritillary and loquat syrup , motherwort oral liquid , qingrejiedu oral liquid , drug - radix isatidis particle , hypopharynx disinhibition particle are very popular with the market 降壓片、腰痛片、腦得生、養血安神片、復方桔梗止咳片、寧神補心片、牛黃解毒片、復方丹參片、開胸順氣丸、利膽排石片、四消丸、婦康寧片、羚羊感冒片、三黃片、復方公英片、當歸片、嬰兒安片、高鈣片、川貝枇杷糖漿、益母草口服液、清熱解毒口服液、板藍根顆粒、清喉咽顆粒等產品,深得市場歡迎。

Developing the zhejiang fritillary production in lishui region should be guided by the market , focus on the economic effects , develop standard and regular demonstration sites , comply with the request of the chinese medicinal materials regular production , develop the zhejiang fritillary enterprise actively and realize the regional distribution , standardized production and integrated management for zhejiang fritillary development . it was necessary to form a system of cropping , processing and exchanging management by developing the chinese medicinal materials industry and commerce 麗水市發展浙貝母產業必須以市場為導向,以經濟效益為中心,按照中藥材規范化生產的要求,建立標準化、規范化的生產基地,積極培育浙貝母產業,實現浙貝母生產的區域化布局、專業化生產和一體化經營,形成浙貝母的規模化生產,并通過發展中藥工業、中藥商業,形成完整的產、加、銷一體化的經營體系。

There were also some problems in the production and management of zhejiang fritillary , such as impure varieties , extensive cultivation , poor technology , small - scale production and nonregular markets . these resulted in the low yield and poor quality of zhejiang fritillary , low price for the planters . the following industries were postponed 筆者認為目前浙貝母在生產經營過程中普遍存在品種混雜、種植粗放、技術落后、生產規模狹小、市場不規范等問題,造成了浙貝母產量低、品質差,不但影響藥農的收益,也影響其后續產業的發展。

It lay first of the eight famous kinds of chinese medicinal materials in zhejiang province . through the social and literature investigation , laboratory and field experiments , the development potential of zhejiang fritillary production in lishui region and its key technology were studied 筆者采用調查研究、實驗室實驗和田間試驗相結合的方法,對麗水市浙貝母產業的發展前景與關鍵技術進行了研究,并進一步提出了麗水市浙貝母產業化發展的策略。

Thirdly , the ecological environment condition , land resource and the adaptability evaluation results showed that zhejiang fritillary planted in lishui region was safe with good quality . there was a great po tential for the zhejiang fritillary production in lishui region 第三,麗水市的生態環境質量、資源優勢以及浙貝母本身的“道地性”研究都證明麗水市種植浙貝母優質、安全,具有“道地性” ,十分適合發展浙貝母生產。

So in order to develop the zhejiang fritillary production , according to the request of the chinese medicinal material gap and agricultural industrialization , it was necessary to regularize the production of zhejiang fritillary and to manage the enterprise in the industrialization way 因此,要發展浙貝母生產,必須根據中藥材gap和農業產業化經營發展的要求,規范浙貝母的生產,走產業化經營的道路。

Zhejiang fritillary ( fritillaria thunbergii miq ) is a liliaceous perennial herbaceous plant . it is a frequently used chinese medicinal material . it has a good effect on relieving a cough , removing phlegm , reducing heat and moistening lungs 浙貝母為百合科貝母屬多年生草本植物,是一種常用中藥材,在臨床上具有清熱潤肺、止咳化痰之功效,有較高的藥用價值,被列為“浙八味”之首。

There were three measures to enhance zhejiang fritillary regular production . the first was the construction of pure variety regeneration sites . the second was the technical management during production 論文經過實證分析指出,麗水市浙貝母規范化生產的關鍵是抓好三個環節:一是良種基地的建設;二是生產全過程的技術管理;三是安全高效的病蟲害綜合防治措施。

The countermeasures were also put forward the conditions for zhejiang fritillary production in lishui region were analyzed in this paper . the results showed that zhejiang fritillary production had a good development potential in lishui region 論文分析了麗水市浙貝母產業的發展條件,指出在麗水市發展浙貝母生產具有廣闊的發展前景。

Pears , kumquat , grapefruit and other fruit itself will be runfei function , and beigua , and the bulb of fritillary , and other medicines produced by the senbei beigua oral thick gaodeng , are also in the most effective bufei 梨、金橘、柚子等水果本身便有潤肺功能,而北瓜、貝母等藥材制作而成的參貝北瓜膏等,在補肺方面也有奇效。

Firstly , in these years , the demand for zhejiang fritillary was great , the price was rising rapidly and the planters had a good harvest 首先,浙貝母市場需求巨大。近年來,浙貝母市場呈現供不應求趨勢,價格也呈現快速上漲之勢,藥農種植效益顯著。

According to the agricultural industrialization management theory , the strategy for developing the zhejiang fritillary production in lishui region was discussed 論文根據農業產業化經營理論,進一步探討了麗水市發展浙貝母產業的策略。

Secondly , it was accordant with the region economic development plan to develop the zhejiang fritillary production in lishui region 其次,發展浙貝母產業符合麗水市區域經濟發展戰略目標。

Studies on inductive effect to pengzhe - fritillary ' s caluus with different hormone combination 不同激素組合對彭澤貝母愈傷組織誘導效應的研究

High - efficiency and simply cultivation technique of bulb fritillary 皖貝母高效簡化栽培技術