
eyeglass 1.鏡片;〔pl.〕眼鏡,夾鼻眼鏡。2.(望遠鏡等裝置中...


There were two other people in the room , dr pender , the elderly clergyman of the parish , and mr petherick , the solicitor , a dried - up little man with eyeglasses which he looked over and not through 房間還有另外兩位客人,彭德博士,教區的老教士;彭斯瑞克先生,律師,一個干瘦的戴著眼鏡的人,看起來似乎能洞悉全局。

Do we value the convenience of buying everything from eggs and eyeglasses , levi ' s and lawn mowers , in a single place more than charming main streets with local shopkeepers 與漫步在迷人的主街、兩旁是本地人開的商店相比,我們更重視在同一個地方買到從雞蛋到眼鏡、從李維斯牛仔到割草機的一切的便利嗎?

He saw her come down the aisle , with arthur and a strange young man with a football mop of hair and eyeglasses , the sight of whom spurred him to instant apprehension and jealousy 他見她跟亞瑟和一個陌生的男子沿著座位間的甬道走著。那人戴著眼鏡,蓄橄欖球發式。一見那人他就害怕而且妒忌。

It is not a ghost story , he said , sitting down by the princess and hurriedly fixing his eyeglass in his eye , as though without that instrument he could not begin to speak 他說道。他坐在公爵夫人近側,趕快把那單目眼鏡戴在眼上,好像缺少這副工具他就無法開腔似的。

The new 3d 21 “ tft displays sets a new milestone to the 3d visualization . without any eyeglasses or other aids the user gets a full coloured 3d impression 新的三維21 “ tft顯示器立下新的里程碑,在三維可視化.沒有任何眼鏡或其他艾滋病用戶得到了充分的彩色立體印象

Chinning exercise for better portraits , lower the subject ' s chin to make the eyes look larger . or tilt the camera forward slightly . this also cuts reflections on eyeglasses 讓人物收下巴,這樣看起來眼睛就大了。或者相機稍微向前傾,這樣也能減少眼鏡的反光。

It ' s a heady prospect for those burdened by eyeglasses ? reshaping the cornea itself so that the eye no longer needs help to see distant objects 要是角膜可以重塑,使眼睛不藉助眼鏡就能看清遠方物體,所有眼鏡一族都會趨之若?吧?

Glass production in edo began in the eighteenth century for use in mirrors , eyeglasses , decorative hair clips , and wind chimes , among other items 江戶時代的玻璃制造開始于18世紀初期的鏡子?眼鏡?簪子?風鈴的制造。

Layering , carving and inlay techniques became characteristic of tokyo products , including eyeglass frames . principal sites of continuing manufacture 東京玳瑁常被加工成泥金畫?雕刻以及象牙鑲嵌,或被加工成眼鏡框。

Professor looks for the eyeglasses chaotically time , his wife comfortably sits actually on the armchair is gazing at the entire scene 教授翻箱倒柜地找眼鏡的時候,他的妻子卻舒舒服服地坐在扶手椅上注視著整個場面。

Doctors in britain have long suspected that patients who wear tinted eyeglasses are abnormally prone to depression and hypochondria 譯文:長時間以來,英國的醫生認為戴墨鏡的病人更易于消沉并患上憂郁癥。

Mindful that the students are future shop owners , the teachers hector slackers about their sideburns and eyeglass frames 考慮到學生們就是未來的店主,教官們會嚴懲那些在腮胡、鏡架方面出格的學生。

An affable face , that is always gentle . from vision which in that black side eyeglasses passes , always thatbright bright , then is genial 從那黑邊眼鏡中透出的目光,總是那么炯炯有神,那么和善。

Being gay is not natural . real americans always reject unnatural things like eyeglasses , polyester , and air conditioning 同性戀不符合自然。正常的人反對不自然的東西,比如眼鏡,聚酯,和空調。

In eighteenth - century england eyeglasses were often worn purely as fashionable accessories , not as aids to vision 18世紀的英國,人們常常把眼鏡作為純粹的時髦裝飾品,而不是為了提高視力。

Pop out type : for eyeglass wearers it can be push down . it is largely replaced by the twist - in - n ' - out type 拉出推入型:戴眼鏡時眼杯可推入目鏡內,不戴眼鏡時可將眼杯拉出,較高級機型使用

Credit cards , smart cards , pagers , cell phones , and eyeglasses are more examples of personalized technologies 像信用卡、智能卡、尋呼機、蜂窩電話、甚至眼鏡都是技術個性化的例子。

The man with him was shorter and a little fat with dark hair , and he had an eyeglass in one eye 跟他在一起的是個矮個兒而且有點胖還頂著一頭黑發,并戴著一只單眼眼鏡。

It was fun as i was able to see variety of eyeglasses while i was shooting today 今天在拍攝廣告的時候,我可以看到各種各樣的眼鏡,真得很有趣。