
eyeful n.1.滿眼。2.被完全看到的東西。3.〔俚語〕值得一看...


The blonde was a real eyeful as she reclined on the beach in her skimpy bikini 那個白膚金發女朗穿著緊身的三點式泳裝斜倚在海灘上,看上去真美。

Is iook deep inside yourself and figure out if you can take an eyeful of that 好好檢視自己,看看有沒有吸引眼球的資本

Come and get an eyeful of this there ' s a giraffe in the garden ! ' 快來看哪- -花園里有個長頸鹿!

The bottle cap popped off and he got an eyeful of seltzer . 瓶蓋砰地一聲打開,噴得他滿眼都是礦泉水。

She is quite an eyeful ! 她真是個美人。

The bottle cap popped off and he got an eyeful of beer 瓶蓋噗地一聲掉了,他看見一滿瓶啤酒。