
exultant adj.興高采烈的,歡欣鼓舞的,耀武揚威的。adv.-l...


Then my sole relief was to walk along the corridor of the third storey , backwards and forwards , safe in the silence and solitude of the spot , and allow my mind s eye to dwell on whatever bright visions rose before it - and , certainly , they were many and glowing ; to let my heart be heaved by the exultant movement , which , while it swelled it in trouble , expanded it with life ; and , best of all , to open my inward ear to a tale that was never ended - a tale my imagination created , and narrated continuously ; quickened with all of incident , life , fire , feeling , that i desired and had not in my actual existence 這里悄無聲息,孤寂冷落,十分安全,可以任心靈的目光觀察浮現在眼前的任何光明的景象當然這些景象很多,而且都光輝燦爛可以讓心臟隨著歡快的跳動而起伏,這種跳動在煩惱中使心臟膨脹,同時又以生命來使它擴展。最理想的是,敞開我心靈的耳朵,來傾聽一個永遠不會結束的故事。這個故事由我的想象所創造,并被繼續不斷地講下去。

During lunch , guests and fellow initiates sat in the shade enjoying their buddha meal . before long , loudspeakers broadcast a message that master had just phoned to say hello . exultant as we were , we were equally able to appreciate the longing feeling we had all experienced in missing each other 午餐時,同修與來賓閑坐涼蔭一起享受佛飯,不一會兒,擴音機傳來師父打電話回來向大家問好之消息,大家在高興之馀,也深深體會師徒相思之苦。

Haggard saint antoine had had only one exultant week , in which to soften his modicum of hard and bitter bread to such extent as he could , with the relish of fraternal embraces an congratulations , when madame defarge sat at her counter , as usual , presiding over the customers 形容憔悴的圣安托萬只歡喜了一個禮拜。他用美味的友誼擁抱和慶祝使他那又硬又苦的面包盡可能地松軟了些。

Shelley ’ s greatest achievement is his four - act poetic drama , prometheus unbound , the play is an exultant work in praise of humankind ’ s potential , and shelley himself recognized it as “ the most perfect of my products . ” 雪萊最有造詣的作品是他的四幕詩劇《解放了的普羅米修斯》 ,它贊揚了人類自身的潛力,雪萊認識它是自己最出色的作品。

You who were full of noise , you boisterous town , you exultant city ; your slain were not slain with the sword , nor did they die in battle 賽22 : 2你這滿處吶喊、大有喧嘩的城、歡樂的邑阿、你中間被殺的、并不是被刀殺、也不是因打仗死亡。

These colors , which is bright and easy , optimistic and exultant , luxurious and romantic , guide the trend of clothes colors 清爽輕松、樂觀歡躍、奢華浪漫的色彩,主導著服飾色彩的潮流。

That night , tired , exultant , he wrote about the operation and sent a note to marian scott 那天夜里,他又疲倦又欣喜,給瑪麗安?斯科特寫了一封短信談這次手術。

“ well , what did i say to you ? “ cried mrs . davidson exultant , next morning “怎么樣,我對你說對了吧? ”第二天早上戴維遜太太得意洋洋地大聲說道。

He sent one glare of fierce, exultant defiance at the man in collar and cravat now . 他橫眉冷目,滿臉鄙夷之色,狠狠地盯了一眼那位現在戴好衣領和系著領帶的人。

There is something fine about the exultant spring of the boat . 小船歡歡喜喜地在水中跳動,那實在是挺有意思的。

There is something fine about the exultant spring of the boat . 小艇充滿歡躍的活力,確是別有一番妙趣。

He was exultant that she was still so much in his power . 他仍然能輕而易舉地擺布她,對此他欣喜若狂。

There is something fine about the exultant spring and the boat . 小艇歡快地跳躍,確是別有一番妙趣。

He gave an exultant shout . 他發出狂歡的叫喊。