
exuberant adj.1.茂盛的,繁茂的,豐富的。2.(感情等)充溢的...


This new management model manifested exuberant vitality shortly after it emerged , and has greatly promoted the progress of agriculture and rural economy 這一新的經營方式一出現就顯示出了強大的生命力,有力地促進了農業和農村經濟的發展。

The rustic and exuberant yingge dance , the melodic ditao music and the exquisite paper - cutting are billed as three treasures of chaoyang folk arts 粗獷奔放的英歌舞,清揚悅耳的笛套音樂,精細至極的剪紙,被譽為“潮陽民間藝術三寶” 。

Help mulberry branch up bud force is powerful , only comfortable period have clip plastic , ability carries beautiful tree form , make blossom exuberant 扶桑枝條萌發力強,只有適期進行修剪整形,才能保持美麗的樹形,促使開花繁茂。

Only when enterprise effectively tap and scientifically manage human resources can enterprise gain exuberant vitality and continuous development 企業只有有效地開發人力資源和合理、科學地管理人力資源,才能保持旺盛的生命力。

They ' re exuberant and adorable but also focused , intense and explosive ? sort of life kindergartners crossed with olympic athletes 它們生氣蓬勃又可愛,但同時專注、認真且具爆發力,有點像幼兒園小朋友與奧林匹克運動員的混合物。

Shares in petrochina went on sale in shanghai on monday november 5th at a valuation that gave even china ' s exuberant investors pause for thought 11月5日,周一,在上海證券所發行a股的中石油的股價引起中國眾多投資者的思考。

20 centuries since 90 time , the green revolution of wind rotten whole world was brought for the enterprise exuberant opportunity of survival 20世紀90年代以來,風糜全球的綠色革命為企業帶來了勃勃生氣。

Once , as a young man full of exuberant fancy , i undertook to draw up a catalogue of the acknowledged ” goods ” of life 當我是一個充滿了美麗幻想的年輕人時,曾經著手為公認的人生幸福草擬一份目錄。

“ i didn t see you for a long time , “ she said , coquettishly , repulsing one of his exuberant approaches “我好久沒有見到你了。 ”她拒絕了他的一次熱切的親近以后,賣弄風情地說, “你一定出門去了。 ”

Later annual spring union changes a travel short cut clip , in order to carry individual plant form plump , tree heat is exuberant 以后每年春季結合換盆行一次短截修剪,以保持株形豐滿,樹熱旺盛。

“ i worked very , very hard and the people were extremely , extremely , extremely exuberant , “ tunick said after the shoot 圖尼奇在拍完照片后說: “我拍得非常、非常認真,模特們也非常、非常熱情。 ”

A bartender is sitting behind the bar on a typical day , when the door bursts open and in come four exuberant blondes 一個酒吧服務員象平時一樣坐在吧臺后面,這時門開了,進來4個金發碧眼的美女。

“ i worked very , very hard and the people were extremely , extremely , extremely exuberant , “ tunick said after the shoot 圖尼奇在拍完照片后說: “我拍得非常非常認真,們也非常非常熱情。 ”

That bright spirit which creates all the exuberant things is always bonded together with young age and creativity 創造一切非凡事物的那種神圣的爽朗精神總是同青年時代和創造力聯系在一起的

He also made many exuberant piano transcriptions of operas , famous symphonies , paganini caprices , and schubert lieder 他還為歌劇、著名的交響曲、帕格尼尼隨想曲和舒伯特抒情曲譜寫鋼琴曲。

“ i worked very , very hard and the people were extremely , extremely , extremely exuberant , “ tunick said after the 圖尼奇在拍完照片后說: “我拍得非常非常認真,模特們也非常非常熱情。 ”

Hothouse plants do not possess exuberant vitality . slumber not in the tents of your fathers 室里的花草不會有強大的生命力。不要在你父兄的帳篷里沉睡,時代在前進。緊跟它向前吧!

In recent weeks both housing and stock prices have started to retreat from their irrationally exuberant highs 近幾周,中國的房價和股價已開始從“非理性繁榮”向合理區間調整。

If there is enough room , you can choose to install exuberant fire fireplace to widen vision field 如果還有足夠的空間,可以選擇安裝旺火壁爐來開闊大火域視野范圍。