
extrication n.1.救出,脫出。2.【化學】游離,放出。


It does good to no woman to be flattered by her superior , who cannot possibly intend to marry her ; and it is madness in all women to let a secret love kindle within them , which , if unreturned and unknown , must devour the life that feeds it ; and , if discovered and responded to , must lead , ignis - fatuus - like , into miry wilds whence there is no extrication 受到無意與她結婚的上司的恭維,對隨便哪個女人來說都沒有好處。愛情之火悄悄地在內心點燃,得不到回報,不為對方所知,必定會吞沒煽起愛的生命要是被發現了,得到了回報,必定猶如鬼火,將愛引入泥濘的荒地而不能自拔。對所有的女人來說,那簡直是發瘋。 ”

The analysis and research on the territory economy development of impoverished areas have vital significance regarding the resource exploitation promotion , the agricultural production condition and the ecological environment improvement , and even stable extrication from poverty of these areas 分析研究貧困地區縣域經濟發展的基本方式和途徑,對于促進貧困地區的資源開發與轉換過程、農業生產條件和生態環境的改善乃至跨世紀穩定脫貧與可持續發展具有重要的意義。

I followed with lagging step , and thoughts busily bent on discovering a means of extrication ; but he himself looked so composed and so grave also , i became ashamed of feeling any confusion : the evil - if evil existent or prospective there was - seemed to lie with me only ; his mind was unconscious and quiet 可是他顯得那么鎮定,那么嚴肅,使我反而為自己的慌亂而感到羞愧了。如果說心中有鬼不管是現在還是將來那只能說我有。他心里十分平靜,而且全然不覺。

Improvement of services is the essential element to succeed in the fierce competition . development of the intelligent serviceis an effective way for the major carriers to strengthen network capacity , enhance market competitiveness , expand market share and decrease extrication rate 本課題結合移動智能網產生的背景、移動智能網的特點、移動智能網的基本原理,對移動智能網業務結合camel體系進行研究和分析,研究移動智能網業務解決方案。

The noumenal and non - noumenal factors of the primitive buddhism are based on the relationship of the cause and effect , assisted by inevitability and chanciness , and to be the refined elements of thought with the target at extrication 原始佛教的本體和非本體因素是以因果關系為依托,以必然性和偶然性為輔助,以解脫為目標的精致思想元素。

If we could understand this principle , and to confirm it through cultivate ourselves according to a religious doctrine , this action called realization , extrication , discard worries and gain happiness in the buddhism 如果能夠理解這層道理,并且以修行的方法來親證這層道理,佛教稱之為悟,稱之為解脫,稱之為斷煩惱,稱之為離苦得樂。

Preservation , identification , extrication and documentation of computer evidence ; giving ability to gather files , lltbkfdt collect backups of data , gives tools to look at what was going on with data 保存、鑒別、抽取和歸檔計算機證據;提供能力來搜集文件和數據備份,提供工具來觀察過去的時間里發生的與數據有關的事件。

Evaluation and inspiration on result of state - owned enterprises reformation and extrication from financial difficulty in three years 國企三年改革與脫困的成效評析與啟示

Standard guide for spinal immobilization and extrication spined device characteristics 脊柱固定和脫離器件特性用標準導則

Yearning for life and extrication from death - zhuang zi ' s philosophy of life and death 進化中生死的意義與人類的生死哲學

Tribulation and extrication - two major themes of yuhua ' s novels written in the nineties 余華90年代小說兩大主題話語

An comparation between buddhism and christianity basic patterns of extrication theory 佛教基督教解脫論基本范式比較

Degradation without choice and extrication - a probe into heidegger ' s theory of association 海德格爾交往理論探析

On the extrication of contemporary female literature from a tight corner 當代女性主義文學如何走出自身的沼澤地