
extremist n.過激主義者,極端分子。adj.極端主義的,過激論的。


Arguing from the view that humans are different from animals in every relevant respect , extremists of this kind think that animals lie outside the area of moral choice 這類極端主義者認為人與動物在各相關方面都不相同,對待動物無須考慮道德問題。

One key question now is whether russia will help or hinder efforts to prevent flare - ups between extremist serbs and kosovars 現在的關鍵問題是俄羅斯在解決塞爾維亞和科索沃之間的矛盾上會起什么作用,是有助于矛盾的解決還是阻礙矛盾的解決?

Arguing from he view that humans are different from animals in every relevant respect , extremists of this kind think that animals lie outside the area of moral choice 極端主義者認為,人與動物在各方面都不同,對動物無需考慮道德問題。

We expect a long , difficult struggle to achieve our goal - to vanquish all those willing to take innocent lives for extremist ideology 要粉碎所有這些以犧牲無辜生命來達到極端教義的恐怖分子,我們明白這是一個長期、艱苦的斗爭。

And the extremists on the left choose to turn the process of evolution into a philosophy in order to support their agenda , which is atheism 在左端的極端份子把進化的過程視為一套哲學,以支持他們的論點,就是無神論。

But the absence of jeering was a reminder of how far this once - ostracised extremist is now accepted in french politics 不過,沒有遭到嘲弄卻提醒了人們這位一度遭到排斥的極端主義者在當今法國政壇被接受的程度。

He then clarified that the problem comes from certain factions of extremist or fundamentalist within the muslim faith 接著他闡明其實這些問題是由某些極端主義者或是基本教義之教派對回教信仰之認知而來的。

Deputy foreign minister alexander grushko warned the uk ' s sanctions would harm “ vitally important “ security link - ups to fight extremists 外交副部長亞歷山大警告:英國的批準將會傷害反恐重要安全聯盟

In any case , fears over immigration , crime and security are now a mainstream concern , not just an extremist one 不管怎么說,關于移民的恐懼,犯罪和安全現在已是一個主流內容,而不是極端的。

When you look at history you find that most wars stem from these different types of religious extremists 當你回顧歷史,你會發覺許多的戰爭是源自于不同宗教信仰的極端主義者。

Investigators suspect the al - qaida - linked muslim extremist abu sayyaf group may have been involved 菲律賓調查人員懷疑,恐怖組織伊斯蘭團和阿布沙耶夫反政府武裝是肇事者。

An extremist group with ties to al - qaida is warning pope benedict that he and the west are doomed 據傳與本拉登有關極端恐怖團伙,警告羅馬主教說他和西方國家都要滅亡。

The government has warned political leaders that they are on extremist hit lists 政府向各個黨派的領導者發布了警告,稱恐怖主義者已經將他們列入了襲擊名單。

The square formed between mars and jupiter shows that in some ways you are an extremist 火星跟木星之間形成的四分相顯示出在某個程度上,你是個極端主義者。

But tackling an extremist minority , or its sympathisers , is quite another matter 然而要處理那些極端主義的少數派,包括這些人的同情者,則是另一個難題。

But can t governments argue that they are forced to respond with extreme measures to extremist groups 但政府能否辯稱被迫用非常手段來對付極端份子?

He spoke optimistically about the battle against extremists and terrorists in iraq 他樂觀地講述了在伊拉克開展的打擊極端主義和恐怖主義的行動。

Looking at how local communities themselves can be empowered to tackle extremist ideologies 考察社區如何提高自身對抗極端主義意識形態的能力;

He spoke optimistically about the battle against extremists and terrorists in iraq 他對伊拉克反對極端主義及恐怖分子的戰爭十分樂觀。