
extrasensory adj.【心理學】超感覺的。 extrasensory ...


Depending on your extrasensory abilities , those friends or relatives who have passed onto the other side will be able to communicate with you 依你的超感覺能力,已經離開到另一邊的那些朋友或親戚將能夠與你溝通。

But usually it is not exist , such as ghosts , fly saucers , certain alleged abilities as levitation and extrasensory ( esp ) , etc 但通常是一些不存在的事物,如鬼、飛碟、一些人聲稱的特異功能等。

Do you believe you have special extrasensory abilities ( ability to “ sense “ a person ' s presence , for example ) 你相信自己有超感官的能力(例如感覺他人的存在)