
extinction n.1.(權利等的)消滅,(生物等的)滅絕;(火等的)熄...


Yuan haowen ' s experience after the extinction of the jin dynasty 元好問在金代滅亡以后的活動歷程

It ' s a plant or animal that is in danger of extinction 它是一種處于滅絕危險之中的植物或動物。

Measuring method of smoke density using light extinction method 用光衰減法檢測煙濃度的測量方法

Below an extinction coefficient of 0 . 005 m 消光系數每米0 . 005以下

Leave the buffalo to their extinction , sir 野牛就會這樣自生自滅了

Do you think that dinosaurs represent failure and extinction 你是否認為恐象徵失敗與滅絕呢?

Many reefs have been fished to a point of extinction 很多礁石已被過度捕撈面臨消失的絕境。

Test method for extinction ratio of nd : yag laser rods 摻釹釔鋁石榴石激光棒消光比的測量方法

Its extinction is just a question of time 它的消失只是一個時間問題。 ”

Extinction threatens more than just animals 滅絕威脅比正直的動物更多。

Is the human race threatened with complete extinction 人類是否會受到完全滅絕的威脅呢?

Greatest extinction since the end of the age of dinosaurs 恐龍時代以后的最磊規模滅絕?

Orang are currently on the verge of extinction wildly 猩猩現在面臨著在野外滅絕的境地。

Greatest extinction since the end of the age dinosaurs 恐龍時代之后的最大規模的滅絕?

New investigation about the reason of extinction of huihu dynasty 回鶻汗國滅亡原因新探

Totenkopf believed that humankind was doomed to extinction , 托滕可夫認為人類注定要滅亡

Inbreeding increases the chance of extinction 近親交配增長了滅絕的機會。

Throughout most of their range , tigers face extinction 老虎在其生存環境已瀕臨絕種。

Textiles - determination of smoke density - light extinction method 減光系數法